
Summary: Legalism

Matthew 23:1-7


- It is unknown exactly where they came from – separated from and exactly what their name means however the Hebrew root term means to ‘separate.’ From the world – to the LAW.

[The Pharisee In Me]

1) Do you preach what you practice? (verse 3-4)

a. What Jesus was saying to his disciples: do what they say, not what they do because they don’t put into practice what they are preaching.

b. They sit at Moses’ feet means they held positions of authority and influence (all authority comes from God – every world leader is ordained from God).

c. Practice what you preach: Be someone who does what you say you do!

d. Preach what you Practice: You speak what you already are doing.

2) Do you care more about your appearances? (Verse 5-8)

a. What the Pharisees cared about the most was how they were perceived by others. They intentionally wore specific clothing to draw attention to themselves.

b. They cared about their titles.

c. Do want to be liked? Do want to be loved? Or do you want to serve others?

3) Do you care more about sacrifice than mercy? (John 8:3-11)

a. The Law of God should always be upheld! The Law of God should not be dismissed! The Law demands but where is the mercy in law? How do we balance between law and grace?

b. Grace:

a. Identifies with us.

b. Stands for us.

c. Speaks for us.

d. Releases us.

e. Empowers us.

[The Way of Jesus] (Verses 9-12)

- Don’t seek approval from others.

- Don’t seek titles!

- Serve God and Man from humility. (Philippians 2)

- Serve God and man from love. (1 Corinthians 13)

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