


1. The primary purpose of the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews is to present " C __ __ __ __ __ P __ __ - e __ __ __ __ __ __." In the process our author demonstrates an exquisite mastery of the Greek language, an impressive knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures, and an aggressive, persuasive logic as he encourages his readers to closely study the Old Testament and to honestly evaluate the facts.

2. Thus far in our study he has set before us Christ's clear superiority to:

a. the p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ and

b. the a __ __ __ __ __.

3. In our text this morning he will expand his argument to include one of the most venerable of all the heroes of the Jewish faith: M __ __ __ __.

4. As he does so he will continue add to his long list of Christ's credentials, characteristics, and attributes. We will consider three today:

a. Christ as p __ __ __ __ __ __;

b. Christ as A __ __ __ __ __ __; and

c. Christ as H __ __ __ P __ __ __ __ __.

B. TEXT: Hebrews 2:10 - 3:6

1. In 2:10-18 Christ's essential h __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is considered.

a. V.10 calls our Lord the archegos of our s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

KJV: "captain"

NIV: "author" ( The same Greek word is so translated in 12:2. )

NEB: "leader"

RSV: "pioneer"

(1) The literal meaning of the Greek noun archegos is "founder," "originator," or even "source."

"Every American knows that in 1804-1806 two explorers, Captain George Clark and Captain Meriwether Lewis, were sent by President Thomas Jefferson to find a way across the old, trackless West from St. Louis to the Pacific coast. Such an exploration involved tremendous preparation, special provisions and wise decisions. It was accomplished through great danger and many hardships, as the Lewis and Clark journals make clear. When the explorers returned the whole American West lay open to development. This is the thought behind the word archegos. Jesus, our archegos, opened up a completely new spiritual country, the realm of universal dominion for the human race, which was originally intended for us but was lost by Adam. Those who follow Jesus now are fitted and trained to live in that new world as they walk in the footsteps of Him who has gone before." - Ray C. Stedman: Hebrews ( Volume 15, The IVP New Testament Commentary Series )

(2) We are told that "it is fitting" that God should "perfect" ( "make fully adequate" ) the founder of our salvation "through suffering."

"The real point of the appropriateness referred to at the beginning of the verse is that the Son should become fully like human beings, sharing their suffering, which here means identification with humanity to the point of death. "Making Jesus perfect through suffering refers primarily to the accomplishment and fulfillment of God's purposes. The perfection is not a moral or ethical perfection, for Jesus in this sense was always perfect. Jesus was made perfect in the sense of being brought to a certain 'completeness' associated with the fulfillment of God's plan. In his suffering and death there is therefore a completeness to his humanity that corresponds to his completeness as God's Son. - Donald A. Hagner: Hebrews ( Volume 14, New International Biblical Commentary )

ref: 2 Corinthians 5:21

Isaiah 53:3-6

1 Peter 2:18-24

b. In the sense of His shared humanity with mankind, Jesus Christ is quite literally our "b __ __ __ __ __ __." ( 2:11-12 ) Both of the relational characteristics of the Levitical priesthood are presented in these verses. There is one who "s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __" and there are those who "are being s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __." As we shall soon see, the priesthood of Jesus Christ is not limited to these two relationships, but His priesthood must include both.

c. In v.12-13 the writer again turns to the Old Testament to more fully establish his premise of the essential humanity of Christ. The first reference ( v.12 ), taken from Psalm 22:22, does so with clear directness.

d. Christ's humanity in v.14-18 is seen as equipping Him to uniquely help men and women.

(1) The chief purpose of the I __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ( "f __ __ __ __ and b __ __ __ __," v.14 ) was to enable the Messiah to d __ __.

(2) The purpose of Messiah's dying was "that through d __ __ __ __ He might destroy him who had the p __ __ __ __ of death, that is, the d __ __ __ __." ( v.14 )

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