
Summary: The psalmist faced the same kind of choices we face. He may not have been living through a pandemic, deciding for or against mask, for or against vaccines or deciding which political party is right or wrong, yet he offers some great advice.

3. We must all live with the choices we make. Salvation by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ opens the door of many wonder privileges here and in the hereafter. The benefits are increased or decrease by the choices we make. Let us draw close to God and allow him to teach us to make the right choice.

Psalms 25:12-14 “What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. 13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth. 14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.”

This Psalms should encourage us draw close to God and allow him to teach us to make the right choice. I have limited knowledge about medical science, politics, foreign policy. I know I can voice mt opinion on any given subject. Yet I must be careful because many people are making decisions by what’s trending, popular opinion, or party affiliation. All of those things provide insufficient information. The psalmist advices those who know the importance of decisions to allow the Lord to teach, lead and show us the right way. If we do, “His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.” 1.The power of choice has always been a part of God’s plan for mankind. 2. We will be Blessed or Stressed by the choices we make. 3. We must all live with the choices we make.

Illustration: Ah, life is so full of choices. Sometimes we choose wisely. Sometimes not so wisely---like the little boy whose older brother talked into letting him crack some eggs on his head. The two of them were getting ready to boil some eggs so they could decorate them for Easter when the older brother told the younger one---“if you let me break three eggs on your head, I’ll give you a dollar.” The younger one’s eyes grew wide with the prospect of getting a dollar. “really?” he said, “a whole dollar?” “Yep. If you let me break three eggs on your head, I’ll give you a dollar.” “Promise?” “Promise.” “Okay.” The younger brother closed his eyes and held his hands at the side of his face as the older brother giggled and cracked open the first egg. As the yolk was just beginning to roll down onto his cheeks, the older brother said, “That’s one. Here’s two.” As he cracked open the second egg the older brother said, “This is so cool.” The younger boy then braced himself for the third egg. After about ten seconds he said, “Come on, I’m ready for the third egg.” The older brother then slyly said, “Are you kidding? That would cost me a dollar.”

Music: I have Decided To Follow Jesus (# 164 The New National Baptist Hymnal)

Trust and Obey (#443 The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal)

Am I A Soldier of the Cross (#438 The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal)

Prayer: O God, our Father, since it is not in man to order his steps or to proper choose his way, teach to draw near unto thee. Since we will have the life that we choose, help us to make choices that lead to your divine favor and communion. We realize that in Christ all our needs are supplied and whatever come short of life and joy, we owe to the choices we make. Lead us in the way of life everlasting…In the name of Jesus, our redeemer and Lord, Amen.

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