
Summary: This is the third in a four sermons series on four different reactions to the birth of Christ

The Reaction of the Shepherds

Luke 2:8-20

I. They Received the Announcement (v. 8-14)

A. God Met Them Right Where They Were (v. 8)

1. God Was Not Interested in Who They Were

2. God Was Not Interested in What They Had Done

B. God’s Message Resulted in Fear (v. 9-10)

C. God Provided Direction to the Savior (v. 11)

1. The Direction pointed to the Way – “..the city of David..”

2. The Direction Pointed to the Truth – “..Christ the Lord…”

3. The Direction Pointed to the Life – “…a Savior..”

II. They Reacted to the Announcement (v. 15-16)

A. They Were Brought to Point of Decision (v. 15a)

1. Their Decision Was Not Forced

2. Their Decision Would Have Consequences

B. Their Decision Required Action (v. 15b)

1. It was a decision of faith

“…Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass…”

2. It was a decision prompted by God

“…which the Lord has made know to us.”

C. Their Decision Resulted in Urgent Action (v. 16)

III. They Relayed the Announcement to Others (v. 17-18)

A. They did not limit their message (v. 17a)

B. They did not complicate the message (v. 17b)

C. They had a compelling message (v. 18)

IV. They Rejoiced Over the Announcement (v. 20)

A. They rejoiced right were they were (in the fields)

B. They rejoiced over what they experienced

C. They rejoiced over the message received

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