
Summary: A study of Revelation 19


Rev 19:13-16

1. A Bloody Robe

Vs. 13 “He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.”

The robe dipped in blood is a symbol of what is about to take place.

The prophet Isaiah tells us it represents the blood of his enemies.

Turn to Isa 63:1-6

He will be coming back to deal with millions of unbelievers at the battle of Armageddon, and it will be a blood bath

His name is the Word of God.

In the gospel of John 1:14, he calls Jesus the Word of God made flesh.

It will be Jesus on the white horse and the judgment at Armageddon will be the work of God

According to the bible there is:

1) The Written Word of God (John 5:39)

2) The spoken Word of God (John 3:34; 6:63)

3) The Living Word of God (John 1:1, 14; Heb 4:12)

Jesus is the written, spoken, living Word of God

2. His Army Will Follow

Vs 14 “The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.”

The armies of heaven will follow Jesus

Notice it says “the armies” which would indicate more than one

What does that indicate?

One army…entire Church from Pentecost to Rapture

One army…the holy angels

One army…all the martyred Tribulation Saints

One army…the Old Testament Saints

These armies will not wear dark colors or camouflage

Not one soldier will have to fight or get bloodied or soiled

The fine, white linen will prove, when its over, that his armies will not have to lift a finger

The white horses would indicate that Christ followers will share in His glory as a conqueror

Jesus will be the conqueror and we will conquer with him

Rom 8:37 “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us”

JOHN HAGEE: The first time Jesus came into Jerusalem he was riding on a donkey. The next time he will come in the final world order. He’ll be riding a white horse followed by the armies of Heaven. It will be the greatest mounted posse ever to split the clouds.

3. Sharper Than Any Two-edged Sword

Jesus will be the only one in this great heavenly army to carry a weapon

The battle will be his to win or lose

His weapon will be a sharp sword, the Word of God (Eph 6:17)

How sharp? Heb 4:12

When this world was created, God spoke in into existence.

When the soldiers went into the Garden of Gethsemene to arrest Jesus, he spoke and they fell to the ground

At Armageddon he will simply speak to destroy the opposing nations

J. VERNON MCGEE: Christ is going to conquer the world as he speaks and conquers with His word

3, Every Knee Shall Bow

Vs 16 “On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords”

Jesus will return as the King of ALL kings to establish His kingdom

Every earthly king will submit to him

Every individual will call him Lord (Turn to phil 2:10)

The Antichrist and his tem puppet kings will make war against the Lamb

But the Lamb will overcome them because he is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

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