
Summary: We are the sons and daughters of God! We are washed with the blood of Jesus! We are safe and protected under the warmth of God's love. The warmness of God's love guarantees our daily provision, care, support, and security!


Opening Passage

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Romans 8:31 (NLT)


Columnist: Rudolf E. Y. Mensah, ©Oasis WordBank

Reference: 00122307


The power of God's love makes you untouchable and unstable! You are loved by God forever, no enemy can change the mind of God concerning you. God's love for you is deeper than the ocean and higher than the mountain.

The mother hen watches for danger. When she sees an animal that could hurt her chicks, she clucks to warn her babies. All that mother hen did was cluck and expand her wings so they knew where to hide. Then she pulled her wings down tight, tucking every little chick safely under her.

The chicks quickly run under the wings of their mother for safety. The mother hen keeps her chicks under her wings until the danger has passed

The mother hen is moved by an inward intuition, passion, and dense love to defend its chicks from harm. If an animal by instinct can do this to create cover, shelter, and provision for its chicks, how much more is our loving Father who loves us so much and cares about us?

We are the sons and daughters of God! We are washed with the blood of Jesus! We are safe and protected under the warmth of God's love. The warmness of God's love guarantees our daily provision, care, support, and security!

Pray and thank God for giving you 24/7 security and providing your needs daily. Shalom Aleichem!

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