
Summary: As we enter the Christmas season, most people are familiar with the account of Christ’s birth and all the characters involved. We know that the wise men came from the East by following a star in the sky. When the came, they were baring gifts of gold, fr

As we enter the Christmas season, most people are familiar with the account of Christ’s birth and all the characters involved. We know that the wise men came from the East by following a star in the sky. When the came, they were baring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. As they arrived in Jerusalem, they immediately went to see King Herod because that would be the most logical place for a king to be born. After seeking counsel, they were able to find the exact location of Jesus. So the title of this morning’s message could catch some people off guard. Of course the wise men from the East found Christ; however, there is a group of wise men who did not bring gifts, did not seek to find Christ, nor did they go and worship Him! What was the difference between the “foreign” wise men and the religious wise men?

I. They knew the location but did not believe the Lord had come! (vs. 5)

A. They knew the location but missed the incarnation! “In Bethlehem of Judea”

B. They would doubt Christ’s deity all their lives.

a. They would be thorns in His side

b. They would help bring thorns to His brow.

C. There are many like them today:

a. They give Jesus credit for being a good man

b. They acclaim Him as being a great teacher

c. They talk about His wonderful philosophy of life.

d. They even speak of Him as a prophet.

e. All of these stop far short of salvation!

D. Salvation requires: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and though shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31; 4:12)

II. They knew the Scriptures but did know the Saviour. (6)

A. Immediately, they went to the Bible to answer Herod’s questions

B. They were very familiar with Micah 5:2

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

(Mic 5:2)

C. They found the Bible answer but did not apply it.

D. You can know a great deal about the Bible and still be lost.

E. You can not be saved by just knowing the Christmas story.

III. They knew Christ would rule but would not let Him rule them! (vs 6)

A. The plan of God was unfolding quickly right before their eyes.

a. It was a time of thrilling prophetic fulfilment

b. The angels, the taxing, the birth in Bethlehem

c. The wise men arrive from the East

B. Many see prophecy fulfilled today but do not act

C. The wise men quoted the Bible but did not act on its message.


Why did these other wise men not hurry to Bethlehem to find Christ? May be they feared the loss of favour with Herod? May be they were just to happy to quickly fall back into their old religious routines? May be they thought the risk too great if the rumor was false? The only thing we know for sure is that despite their wisdom and knowledge that they still missed the only way to a relationship with God!

Please don’t make the same mistake! Which set of wise men will you be like? Will you be the one’s that have the knowledge but refuse to put that knowledge into faith? Will you be like the one’s who were willing to risk all to allow their knowledge to grow into faith and then spur them into action?

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