
Summary: PENTECOST 6 - Jeremiah describes how the word of the Lord came to him. In the same way the word of the Lord comes to each believer. Such is the calling of God. Such calling is our strength.


July 24, 2011 -

Pentecost 6 -


INTRO: Did you ever wonder how you fit into God’s great plan of things in this world and for your life. How am I to know what God’s will is for me? How do I know when I am doing what God wants me to do? Honestly, I do not have a personal answer for those questions in your individual lives. In the word of God our loving Father does remind us what his will is for us as believers. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will" (ROMANS 12:2). We may wonder how we are doing in respect to living according to God’s will. God’s word today teaches us to recognize “what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will".

“THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME…” I. Such is God’s calling. II. This is our strength.


A. Verse 4. There are no more powerful words in Scripture than these: “The word of the Lord came…”

1. Such words were the words of God calling Jeremiah from darkness into light, into service.

2. Such words are the words of God calling to every generation to live in the light of the Lord.

B. Verse 5a. Before Jeremiah was conceived the Lord God Almighty intimately knew him.

1. Verse 5b. Even before Jeremiah’s birth the Lord God Almighty called him, set him apart.

2. Verse 5c. Jeremiah would be God’s spokesman. Jeremiah would proclaim God to the nations.

C. Verse 6. Note Jeremiah’s utter humility. Jeremiah did not feel worthy or qualified for such service.

1. Verse 7. The Lord reassures Jeremiah with his word. He has little choice, “You must go”.

2. God called Jeremiah. Jeremiah went. Jeremiah proclaimed God’s word to the nations.

D. Jeremiah did not grab any of God’s glory for himself. In fact, it was completely and totally all of God’s doing that Jeremiah was called to be God’s prophet (before conception and birth). This is God’s free grace that he shows to mankind. We are saved by grace. God choose us before we sought him. We stand in wonder and awe at God’s great love for each one of us. None of us deserve to be saved. Not one of us can earn salvation. How can we ever repay God’s great love for us? "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (MICAH 6:8). Humble, thankful lives will reflect God’s great mercy.

E. All glory always belongs to God alone. We begin our lives at our conception as sinners. From that moment of our conception we have an inherited, sinful nature. At our birth we begin our earthly journeys as enemies of God. We are not neutral in our sinful nature. Our sinful nature opposes God and his “good, pleasing and perfect will” with every wicked breath of our sinful lives. In God’s great love for us he makes us into believers. In God’s great mercy for us he calls each of us out of darkness. "For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (2 CORINHIANS 4:6). The very God who created the heavens and the earth and everything in it uses that same great power to create faith in our hearts.

F. No longer does the believer have to live a life as an enemy of God. The opposite is now true. We are loved by God. Once enemies we are now God’s children. This is God’s grace. “The word of the Lord came to me”. It is the word of the Lord God Almighty that reminds us time and again just how much God loves us. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 PETER 2:9). Remember those titles. Rejoice that our heavenly Father calls us “into his wonderful light”.

“THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME….” Such is our calling from God.


A. God calls Jeremiah. God appoints Jeremiah as his prophet to all nations, beyond Israel.

1. Humble Jeremiah does not feel ready, qualified, or experienced enough for such a calling.

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