
Summary: Life is easier if everything could be seen. If we knew what the future holds for us. If we knew God’s timings. When Abraham went to offer Isaac, it would have been easier for Abraham if he knew what was to happen. He probably wouldn’t have spent a sleepless night. But Abraham had to wait in faith.

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

It is easy to trust something when you can actually see it. If you can see what is unfolding right before your eyes, it is easy to trust God. The disciple Thomas could not believe when the other disciples said that they saw Jesus, because he was not there at that time. He did not see what the others saw. And so, believing was difficult for him.

Life is easier if everything could be seen. Life would be easier if we knew what the future holds for us. If we knew God’s timings. In present terms, it would be good if we knew when exactly this covid- pandemic would disappear from the face of the earth of if it would ever disappear.

But unfortunately that is now how God works. Many times, we cannot trace the ways of God in our lives. And Yet, God expects us to trust him.

When Abraham went to offer Isaac, it would have been easier for Abraham if he knew what was to happen. He probably wouldn’t have spent a sleepless night. And Abraham had to wait in faith. (Gen 22)

In the same way, God expects us to exercise our faith in God. The reason we trust God is not because we know what he is up to in our lives, but just because who He is. We trust him, despite not knowing His plans or His timings. Because we know He is a faithful God. We trust Him, knowing that our future is secure in His hands. We trust Him, not because the circumstances are favourable, but because He is our Father. He is our God.

There was once a party time! The eldest brother in the house throws a big party. He invites all his brothers and all his sisters. Everyone were having a good time together. There was a great feast, lots of fun, lots of laughter. But suddenly when everyone were still feasting, something happens.

All their happy faces suddenly become fearful.

Because, something that wasn't predicted happens. And they have no time to escape. A might wind comes in, strikes the four corners of the house, the house collapses on them and they all died. Everything just happens in a moment. Can you imagine the scene? Suddenly the feast house becomes a mortuary.

All ten children of Job died this manner. In a moment, they were all gone. Totally unexpected.

This news reaches Job’s ears. Can you imagine how he would have felt?

And, this is not the first bad news for the day. He already had enough.

What was the first news that he received? The Sabeans raided his oxen and his donkeys. (vs. 14, 15)

Second, the fire burnt his sheep. (vs. 16)

Third, the Chaldeans raided the camels. (vs. 17)

Most of his servants were killed.

And finally, all his children are dead. (vs. 18,19)

Just think through what’s happening. It is so hard to believe that something like this could ever happen. So many questions can come in your mind when you think through these incidents.

Why did Job’s children have to party the same day when animals are being raided?

We don’t know where the children held the party. But there was a great wind? And paradoxically, how come the great wind did nothing to the Sabeans and the Chaldeans?

At one place there was fire burning the sheep. At other place, there was a might windy that killed his children.

And everything happens in a row.. Because the verses say, Job 1:16,17, 18 - While he was still speaking – while he was still speaking – even before the first servant could finish the news, the second person speaks.

In a sense, Job had to time to even react. Before he could even absorb the gravity of the first news, there’s another shocking news that comes.

And as if all these troubles were not enough, painful boils occur from the sole of Job’s feet to the crown of his head.

What’s happening? It is important to remember that Job doesn’t know the conversation between Satan and God that happened in chapter 1. So, imagine what would be going on in Job’s mind? So many things are happening one after the other. Was it just a coincidence? Was it a planned attack against him?

It is said that in the 17th century Scottish Presbyterian from a church of London, John Hutchenson, preached 316 sermons on the book of Job. John Ovens, again from church of London, took 23 years 424 sermons and in final sermon, he wrote ‘I have not attained a clear understanding of some of the passages’.

Book of job raises lot of questions in life? The question of ‘Why’? Why me? Why trials? Why now? Why in this way? Fortunately, the book also gives answers.

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Paul Miller

commented on Oct 1, 2020

I think this is a decent sermon that gives me some ideas to preach on... but it felt a little incomplete to me. Just my own thoughts, but you just got to the "meat" of the topic, that all things work together for those that love God, and then it suddenly ends. I thought a little more exposition on what that means as Christians would be good here. What about Job's dead children? Sure, Job was blessed with twice as much material wealth... but we have to be careful not to draw the false conclusion that everything is fine and dandy since he had more children and more wealth in the end. There are depths of spiritual meaning here to explore, and it felt a little shallow to me. God really comes across as an asshole in Job if you are one of the children killed just for God to prove a point, not to mention the ethics and morals of such action. Food for thought...

Felix Mwangangi

commented on Jan 22, 2022

This is a very good message and I thank God for you Sulitha Justin

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