
Summary: We should never be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ

I. The Position of Confidence - I am not ashamed.

A. Some are ashamed of the Gospel’s Clarity - vs. 17

1. The Clarity of Sin, Ro 3:23, Ga 3:22

2. The Clarity of a Saviour - not merely a man, but God in the flesh, 1Co 15:3

B. Some are ashamed of the Gospel’s Condition

1. From the Old Testament Declaration - Isa 45:22

2. To the New Testament Confirmation - Ac 16:31

3. The message is the same -Jo 3:16

C. Some are ashamed of its Consequences vs. 18, Re 21:8, 1Th 1:10

II. The Provision for Our Confidence - Hebrews 12:18-24

A. The Demand of the Law

1. A Frightening Place vs. 18

2. A Dreadful Voice vs. 19

3. An Intolerable Message

4. An Unapproachable Presence vs. 20 21

B. The Delight of Grace Mt. Zion - vs. 22-24

1. A Sacred Place Mt. Zion vs. 22, Joe 2:32

2. Specific Residents

a. The Living God, the Father, and Judge vs. 22 23

b. Countless Angels

c. The Church

d. O.T. Saints "spirits of just men made perfect"

e. God the Son, Jesus LORD AND SAVIOR vs. 24

III. The Power for Our Confidence

A. There is Power for Salvation- 1Co 1:18

B. There is Power for Sanity- Philippians 4:7

1. All of man’s amazing scientific achievements have failed to bring peace

a. There is more strife

b. There are more conflicts

2. The only source of real peace is found in the power of the Gospel

C. There is Power for Security - 1Pe 1:4-5

D. There is Power for Service - Acts 1:8

Conclusion: To one here today that has never had the Joy of trusting Jesus Christ - Hebrews 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: Trust Him today, before it is too late.

Saved, we must live unashamed of the Gospel because of our Confidence in Him!

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and Righteousness,

I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name!

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand....

Disclaimer: A man once told me that if it is true, it is not new. If it is new, it is not true. We all know there is nothing new under the sun. With that said, I glean ideas for my sermons from God’s Word, my own thoughts and work, and many other sources. Any similarity to my sermons and others, where credit is not given, is either coincidental, or an unintentional mistake on my part. As none of us have a corner on the wisdom and teaching of God’s Word, it is my desire that any of my outlines be an encouragement, a help, and hopefully a motivation for others to preach God’s Word clearly. Please feel free to use any portion of my sermons if they can be of help to you and your ministry. I purposely include a skeleton outline, and not my full text, for this purpose. It is all for His Glory.

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