
Summary: Everything God has is mine. I’ve got all the resources of God in my heavenly bank account.

You have everything you need to live the rest of your life the way God wants you to live it. The problem is that most Christians don’t know how to make withdrawals from that heavenly bank account. That’s what I want to talk to you about. The word of God indicates means whereby we come into what is really ours.

There is an unfailing principle through the scriptures and if you miss this principle, you will live your life in poverty. The principle is: That God has made all things available, but we must appropriate it. It is possible to possess it without really possessing it. Grace makes it available; faith appropriates it.

There is another principle I want to share with you which is the key to spiritual, physical, and material overflow in your life. Luke 6:38. This is the exact opposite of the way man operates. If you are ever going to have what God intends for you to have, the first thing you are going to have to do is to stop thinking like a human being. Get rid of man’s philosophy about getting. The Bible is full of these paradox’s: Lose your life, you gain it. Mourn and ye shall be comforted. Want to be free, give up your freedom. Want to live? Die to yourself. Want to get? Give.

Why did God give His Son? That He might be the first born among many brethren. God gave and got. Now my message has two points:

1. You get what you give, God rewards and punishes in like. Romans 1:28

2. You get more back than what you give.

I. It Works in the Matter of Money

1. Proverbs 3:9-10, 11:24-25, 19:17, 2 Corinthians 9:6-10

2. Philippians 4:14-19, Some have said, “I’ve lived by verse 19, and God hasn’t met my needs. Maybe you passed over a step. Did you want to get it before you gave it?

3. Man’s philosophy is if you want to give. First get. Many say, “When I get, I will give. You’ve missed it.

4. 1 Kings 17:9-16, an illustration from scripture.

5. When you give, you get, and you get more than you give.

II. It Works in the Area of Prayer

1. Job 42:10, Job got deliverance when He prayed for others.

2. James 5:16, not pray for yourself, but for someone else.

3. You say, “That doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t have to make sense. God said it and it works.

4. What have you been praying for in your life that God hasn’t answered. Maybe what you’re praying for for yourself. You should start praying for someone else.

III. It Works in the Matter of Sacrifice or Service

1. Mark 10:28-30, talking about the sweets here and now.

2. Luke 18:29-30, same principle, give and you get, you get more than you give.

IV. It Works in the Area of Ministering

1. Matthew 6:12, 14-15, Matthew 5:7, Luke 6:37. The principle is true throughout the Word of God. Whatever you need, in order to get it, give it.

a. You need encouragement, give encouragement.

b. Do you need love then give love.

c. Do you need understanding give understanding.

d. I need money, then give money.

2. The most miserable people here are people who go through life expecting others to minister to them.

3. People who are always pouting and getting their feelings hurt over every little thing are those whose attitude is everybody owes me something.

4. Whatever you need, God says give it and he’ll cause is to be given unto you.

5. You say, “I thought prayer was the answer just pray and God would give.” That’s true and not true.

6. Some are not getting prayers answered because your life contradicts your praying. Your actions and life must say, “Amen” to your prayer.

7. Many are denying in practice what they are asking God to do in prayer.

8. Many are denying in practice what they are asking God to do in prayer.

a. If you ask for forgiveness and do not give forgiveness that nullifies your prayer. Matthew 6:14-15.

b. You ask God to meet your financial need, but you violate God’s principle. You don’t give.

9. What do you need today?

a. Freedom, give the freedom you have.

b. Life, give the life you have to Jesus.

c. Friendship, give friendship, I’ve noticed the ones who have the fewest friends are the least friendly.

d. Just give what you need.

10. By the way it works both ways”

a. Give criticism, you’ll get criticism multiplied.

b. Give harsh judgement, get harsh judgment.

c. Give gossip, get gossip.

d. Give good, get good.

e. Give bad, get bad.

11. This is the principle of God. Try this, see if God is true and every man a liar. What do you need today? Then give it.

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