
Summary: A sermon on the interaction between Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

4. He finds strength and resolution in surrender to the Father’s will.

B. We all have our Gethsemane:

1. Those who follow Jesus must give their lives in surrender to the Father’s will.

2. We must decide for God or self.

3. Friends can’t help, but can encourage and pray for us if they care. Some don’t.

4. A song says, “You must walk that lonesome valley all alone.”

5. You can only emerge victorious through the Spirit of God.

6. To walk with Jesus in the Spirit is to live a surrendered life.

V. He won the final victory on Easter morning.

A. It was by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 1:4

1. The Roman soldiers made sure there was no life in His flesh.

2. Loving hands that removed Him from the cross would have detected the slightest pulse, barest movement, least warmth.

3. The H. S. Reentered that body and no Roman sword not seal could have prevented it.

4. ILLUS.: Dallas Holme song. “I’ll rise again. Death can’t keep me in the ground. I’ll rise again. There’s no power on earth can keep me down.”

B. That same H. S. Will raise us. Rom. 8:11

1. In our flesh there is no life. Rom. 8:10,13

2. But, it’s impossible to kill a soul in which God’s Spirit lives.

3. Glory beyond compare is coming. Rom. 8:18.

CONC.: Read Gal. 5:22-25. There are indeed two ways to walk, Two sources of power and guidance. The flesh and the Spirit. The way of the flesh leads to death. To walk with Jesus in the Spirit is to find peace and eternal life.

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