
Summary: Men are men. Women are women.


By: C. Mason Davis

A minister died and went to heaven and ahead of him at the Pearly Gate was a guy in sunglasses and a leather jacket and the guy said to St. Peter. "I'm Joe Renko, cabdriver from Las Vegas." Saint Peter gave him a golden robe and golden staff and then it was the minister's turn. "I am Elmer Lundberg, pastor of Zion Lutheran for forty-five years." Saint Peter gave him a cotton robe and wooden staff." "But that man was a taxi driver, and he gets a golden robe and golden staff?" And St. Peter said, "Up here, we go by results. Elmer, while you preached, people slept; while Joe drove, people prayed."


2 Corinthians 10:4; “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”

Men are men. Women are women. A man cannot become a woman. A woman cannot become a man. Men are better at some things than women. Women are better at some things than men. Marriage is between a man and a woman. We should not kill babies. Children should not be exploited or abused. Men should protect and provide for the family. Women should nurture and care for the family. These statements were self-evident truths for thousands of years, only in the past few decades did they become “hateful” or “bigoted.” Satan is attempting to turn God’s creation upside down and invert it. Up is down, left is right, right is wrong, evil is good, good is evil. The “truth” is relative and whatever you want it to be. These are the lies of the enemy. This is the post-truth trash world.

We may live in a post-truth world, but that doesn’t mean that the objective Truth that has been revealed to us through God’s Word will not stand the tests of a world gone mad. Going against the Truth of God’s design for men, women, children, and families is like going against gravity: eventually, you’re going to fall back to earth.

It should come as no surprise when worldly people fall into the trap of completely rejecting Truth, but what is astonishing to see is that people who call themselves Christians are buying into lies of the enemy wholesale without question.

Wear the mask. Don’t question it. Lock down the church. Don’t question it.

Take the experimental DNA-altering aborted fetal tissue vaccine. Don’t question it. Accept the election results despite the rampant irregularities. Don’t question it.

Hand over your guns. Don’t question it. Attack, demonize, and destroy anyone who questions it.

The rejection of Truth by Christians causes those of us who are grounded in God’s Truth to become incredibly frustrated, even dizzy at the prospect of trying to communicate effectively and wade through the adversary’s mountain of lies. This is what the enemy wants, and we must fight back against the urge to stay silent. If Christians are denying God’s Truth when it is right in front of their faces, we have a big problem and we need to course-correct, quickly. The only way to do that is by speaking the Truth loudly, boldly, and often.

Part of the problem is that we are trying to fight the enemy on their terms and in their battlefields. We are all guilty of this, me included. We enter the adversary’s battleground–Twitter and Facebook for example–and expect to gain ground on land that the enemy controls where they can wipe us out with the click of a button. We consume news and media that is carefully crafted by the enemy and expect things to change by lending them our time and attention. We immerse ourselves in the culture of the enemy and are surprised when that culture turns on us. One of the biggest problems is that most people who reject Jesus do so because it interferes with the way they want to live. But if we are going to win a spiritual war, we must dare to stand for God’s Truth in this post-truth world, but how do we do that? Here are a few simple examples.

Boldly defend the sanctity of life in a world that praises child sacrifice. Boldly defend the holiness of marriage between one man and one woman as God designed. Boldly defend God’s creation and the unique roles and gifts God has given men and women. Boldly rebuke the Den of Vipers and their wicked ways. Boldly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This is a spiritual battle and therefore we must use spiritual weapons to expose and fight the enemies of Truth, including when those enemies of Truth happen to be our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must lovingly and boldly rebuke Christians who reject Truth in favor of political allegiances and narratives and let God handle the rest. Jesus Christ and God’s Word are the ultimate sword and shield in this war.

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