
Summary: The world in which we live has devalued the role of the dad but we in God’s view of the family the Dad is the most inportiant role.

Church I am here to tell you today that’s not a man. And that’s surely not a man of God.

Today our text comes from the book of Mark Chapter 5:1-19 let’s read this story and see what we can learn about being a man on this Fathers Day.

Read Passage

Now there is a lot going on in this passage. We can look at the fact that the demons were afraid of the very presence of Christ, or the fact that they had to ask His permission to go into the pigs. We can look at the fact that the man had not only one struggle or demon but many. But I don’t think that those things, even though they are true, are what we need to talk about on Father’s Day. The one thing I want you to notice today, the whole reason that this story is put in your Bible and mine is because this one man mattered. He was valuable.

First I want you to notice that he was valuable to his community.

Look again at verses 3-4 “This man lived in the burial caves. No person could tie him. Even chains could not keep this man tied. Many times people had used chains to tie the man’s hands and feet. But the man broke the chains on his hands and feet. No person was strong enough to control him.”

This is probably the town where this man grew up. These were the people that he went to school with, that he worked in the fields or the shops with, the people that he counted on to survive and the people who counted on him to survive. Now these same people had tried to tie him up according to verse 5 to keep him from hurting himself.

I wonder how they came to the decision that it was finally time to do something? And how did they decide that tying him up was the best thing?

You see in our communities today if someone is making trouble we run them off and then forget about them. If you have a neighbor who is causing you trouble do you go the extra mile or do you just pray that a dump truck will hit them?

But this man had to be important to his community because they didn’t kill him. They didn’t even send him off Luke tells us that it was the demons that drove him off into the wilderness, and the tombs. I am sure that the community wanted him back because he was valuable to them. He helped with the planting, he helped with the harvest, and he helped with the protection of the village. He was a vital part of the community because the community was valuable to him and he was valuable to the community.

Men we must live in such a way that we also show the value we have to our community. As men of God it is our responsibility to bring hope and grace to the community where we live. We have hope because Christ died for our sins. We know that when we die we are going to get to live in heaven with Him, forever. That is our hope. We know that all of our pain, and sorrow, and aches are just temporary but God is eternal.

Next I want you to notice that He was valuable to his family.

That’s one thing that has not changed in the past 2000 years. We might be confused about men’s roles and women’s roles. We might think that we don’t need a dad in the house or a mom in the house. We might think that if I don’t like my family anymore that divorce is the best answer. But I want you to see today that a Christian family is one that has a mom and a dad.

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