
Summary: A look at what it means to step out in faith that what Jesus says is settled.

HOW TO AMAZE JESUS: Move forward confident that what Jesus said is settled.

- Matthew 8:8-10.

- In verses 8-9 the centurion says something simple but extraordinary. The soldier understands authority: he tells one of his underling soldier to do something and they go do it. He is a man of authority and expects what he says to be done.

- He believes that Jesus has the same authority in the spiritual realm. If Jesus says for something to be done (like healing this servant), it will be done.

- The soldier is confident in the spiritual authority that Jesus possesses.

- Jesus in response says this man has great faith (v. 10).

- Why faith?

- Because faith is the evidence of things not seen and the soldier is presuming that what Jesus says will happen even though he hasn’t seen that occur yet.

- Too often our “faith” is just kind of a vague, nebulous hope without any practical impact.

- This kind of faith believes that the promises are certain.

- This kind of faith believes that Jesus is in charge.

- This kind of faith believes that what Jesus says will happen is actually going to happen.

- This kind of faith believes that Jesus’ words are sure.

- We need to have a spiritual confidence in the settled nature of Jesus’ words.

- What I mean by “settled” is that it’s already a done deal. It’s settled. It’s certain. It’s sure.

- Even if, like with the centurion, it hasn’t actually happened yet, we’re confident that what Jesus says will happen is going to happen.

- We don’t worry about it. We don’t have to be consumed with doubt. We can rest confident in Jesus’ promises.

- This is what spiritual confidence looks like.

- For me, the most remarkable word in v. 10 is “amazed.”

- Jesus is amazed at this man’s words. That tells me that this kind of spiritual confidence is something that gets Jesus’ attention. It causes Him to turn and look. It causes Him to attend to the one speaking such things.

- That’s partially because this kind of spiritual confidence is pretty rare. There are few who simply move forward confident that what Jesus said is settled.

- And, sure enough, verse 13 tells us that it was done just as Jesus said. The centurion’s faith was well-founded.

- A significant part of the problem with today’s powerless Christian church and individual Christian lives is a failure to stand on the promises.

- I think verse 8 is worth noting as well.

- Being a person of spiritual confidence does not mean you’re arrogant. If anything, it means that you’re humble – you know that your confidence is not in what you can do but in what Jesus can do.


1. That sin is actually forgiven.

- Matthew 9:2-8.

2. The Enemy cannot withstand our assault.

- Matthew 16:18.

3. God has not left you.

- Hebrews 13:5.

4. You will have the insight you need.

- James 1:5.

5. Your financial needs will be taken care of.

- Matthew 6:33.

CLAIMING HIS POWER: Jesus made it clear He is eager for us to use His spiritual authority.

- Matthew 8:11-12.

- Matthew 7:29; Matthew 9:6, 8; Matthew 10:1; Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:18; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 1:27; Mark 2:10; Mark 3:15; Luke 4:32, 36; Luke 5:24; Luke 9:1; Luke 12:5; Luke 19:17; John 5:27; John 10:18; John 14:12-14; John 17:2.

- Jesus says in verses 11-12 that people with this kind of faith is what He wants to build His kingdom on.

- Look up: Matthew 28:18-20.

- Look up: Matthew 16:19.

- Jesus is an eager delegator. He longs to see His power flowing through us.

- Why is He so willing? It’s because, as I’ve said before about why He answers prayer, when that happens we get the joy and He gets the glory.

- It is not His intent for the church to be a powerless entity. He wants to do great things through His people.

- But it requires that we have faith in His power and His promises.

- Are you ready to step forward confident in Jesus’ words?

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