
Summary: Worship is the spontaneous and automatic reverential action or response we perform after seeing God. Bowing down, singing a song, kneeling down, facedown and so on are examples of actions used to adore, praise, and glorify God.

Then the LORD appeared to him by [a]the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground – Genesis 18-1:2

Worship is the spontaneous and automatic reverential action or response we perform after seeing God. Bowing down, singing a song, kneeling down, facedown and so on are examples of actions used to adore, praise, and glorify God. When we start seeing God, we are led into spontaneous and automatic reverential actions known as worship. It is a spontaneous action that is not preplanned but automatically led by God. Abraham bowed to the ground upon seeing the three strangers. Bowing down is an act or form of worship. Seeing God automatically initiates some reverential actions and these actions are forms or kinds of worship. Worship is not about singing songs; but it is about seeing the face of God.

The more we see the face of God, the more we are led to worship. Many saints spent more time worshipping God because when they see God, they are automatically or naturally drawn to worship Him. Seeing and worshipping God is a vicious and never-ending circle. Once we are caught in this cycle of seeing and worshipping God, time and days pass quickly, and without our knowledge we will spend a lot of time with Him.

If you see God for a long period, you will automatically become a worshipper. If you don't know how to worship God, simply ask God to show you a glimpse of His face, and you will automatically worship Him.

Seeing God automatically leads you to worship, and the fuel for worship is your desire to see more of Him. Worship cannot be manufactured by singing songs, playing music, or using instruments; rather, it begins with seeing the face of God. Your desire to seek God leads you to worship.

Don't let the emotions, song's music, instruments, or tunes lead you to worship. Your desire to seek and see God should lead you to worship God. The revelation of Jesus Christ should lead you to worship God. Every fresh revelation of Jesus from the Bible should lead you to worship God. The wise men presented gifts to baby Jesus, which is also a form of worship. Your giving is also an act of worship. Singing songs is one kind of worship, but it’s not the only kind of worship. Your life awakening to fresh revelation of Jesus from the Bible, which leads you to adore God, is also worship.

Worship should initiate by seeing Jesus or experiencing God's presence or seeking God or fresh revelation of Jesus, and so on. Worship can consist of similar actions but not the same action always (such as a routine). The action should be led by the Holy Spirit so that Jesus receives the right adoration and praise which He deserves. May be in heaven, because angels and 24 elders see God all the time, they are automatically drawn and led to worship him continuously. If we see God every day, every minute, we will also continuously automatically and spontaneously worship Him and human effort is not required. If we worship God with human effort it becomes weary and exhausting. However, if we get a glimpse of Jesus, we will be spontaneously and automatically compelled to worship God.

Ask Jesus to give you glimpses of him every day so that we will worship God on a daily basis. Seeing Jesus should be your top priority if you want to worship God.

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