
Summary: Why Are Some Churches Lacking Power?

Why are Some Churches Lacking POWER

Rev. 3:1-6 - The church of Sardis Lacked Power

1. It was a church not interested in outreach

2. It was a church that was effective with maintenance ministries but not empowered with the gospel for harvesting ministries

3. It was a church engaged in superficial procedures

4. It was a church not focusing on Christ and His kingdom priorities

5. It was a church that needed to wake up and repent of its sins of omission

6. It was a church that tried to live on its past reputation rather than pressing for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus

7. It was a church that was essentially dead

8. It was a church whose deeds were far from right in the sight of God

9. It was a church that needed to return to know the Lord and abide in Him in order to bear much fruit and prove to be His disciples

10. It was a church that had lost its fear and obedience to the Lord

11. It was a church that failed to take advantages of the opportunities for outreach given to it

12. It was a church that tried to rest of its laurels of piety

13. It was a church a church that for the most part was not listening and obeying the Spirit of God

14. It was a church who had lost its reverence, trust love and obedience to God’s word

15. It was a church that needed to be set a part for God and made pure in heart, mind and behavior

16. It was a church that did not hold firmly and fight the good fight of faith

17. It was a church that lacked a vision for the 8,800 unreached people groups of the world

18. it was a church that forgot about Acts 1:8

19. it was a church that did not appropriate the power given to them as children of God John 1:12,13

20. It was a church that forgot that Christ is coming as a thief in the night and would require an account for everything

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