
Summary: An Easter sermon

In raising Jesus from the dead, His Heavenly Father, and Our Heavenly Father

Confirmed all Jesus said as the truth.

Validated all He did. - That includes dying on the cross as payment for our sins.

Sealed every promise that Jesus had made.

With that in mind, listen to what Jesus promised and said in John 14:1-27.Here are three promises that we know are true:

First, we have a room. Jesus said that in His Father’s house were many rooms, and that He was going to prepare one for us.

Next, we have a reservation. He said He was going to get our room ready, and then He would come and get us, that we He is, we may be also.

Third, we have a peace. He told us to not let our hearts be troubled, and then told us that He was giving us His peace.

Let’s look at these three promises that we know are true because of the Resurrection:

1. We Have a Room

I love it that Jesus says He has gone to prepare a room for us, because, if you stop and think about it, your room is where your home is.

You can travel all over the world, and stay in rooms in the finest hotels, but they aren’t home. You may really enjoy a trip, but it’s always good to get back home and be in your own room.

As great as it is to have an earthly home, we who follow Christ know that we are simply travelers hear on earth, and our real home is in heaven. Won’t it be great to wake up some morning and really be home?

2. We Have a Reservation

Numerous times in the past 45 years I have heard this in a conversation: “Well, Preacher, we’re really all tryin’ to get to the same place, ain’t we?”

To that I now reply, “Not me. I have a reservation.”

I have learned to really appreciate reservations when it comes to rooms. It all started on a trip we made to Disneyland back in 1972. We started out early in the morning driving from Houston, and drove all day. When we reached El Paso, it was around 8 in the evening. We pulled into a motel, and the sign said, “No Vacancy!” We drove on to the next. Same thing. We drove all the way through El Paso, stopping at each motel or hotel, and it was the same story. Finally, around midnight, we found a room in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

I am reminded of that experience every Christmas when I hear the account of Joseph and Mary learning that there was “No room in the Inn.”

Because of that, I now make sure every time we go on a trip to have all of our hotel stays booked in advance. To me there is nothing sweeter than getting that wonderful notification email stating, “Your reservation is confirmed.”

When our Heavenly Father raised Jesus from the dead, it was His wonderful confirmation that our reservation has been confirmed!

Jesus has kept His promise. Your room is not only confirmed, but He has already paid for it throughout all eternity!

3 We Have a Peace

When we accept what Jesus did on the Cross as payment in full for our sin, and receive the new, eternal life He offers, He gives us a peace that passes all understanding.

We need no longer be anxious about death, because the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus have changed everything!

When I was a little boy, we lived in Cleveland, Texas. Often we would drive over to Beaumont, which was about 70 miles away, to visit with My aunt and uncle and cousins. It was always a great time for me. I always enjoyed visiting with my aunt and uncle and playing with my cousins. Inevitably, there would be a time after dinner when I was told that it was time to leave. I never wanted to go, because I was having too much fun. However, my parents would insist, and I would have to reluctantly get in the car and head for home.

Without fail, riding along with the wind blowing through the car, and the steady hum of the road noise, I would eventually fall asleep.

It always momentarily surprised me when I woke up, because it would already be morning, and I wasn’t in the car anymore! Instead, I was in my own bed, in my own room. After we arrived home, and while I slept, my father had gathered me into his strong arms and carried me from the car, into the house, and placed me in my bed. And you know what? It was good to be home.

One of these days, it could be tomorrow, or it could be thirty years from now, I will fall asleep somewhere, and when I wake up, I’ll really be home.

How about you?

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