Summary: This is a sermon we preached on our 18th anniversary at the church. It challenges us to Rise Up And Choose Christ. It’s our theme. Watch the video or listen to the audio version at

Rise Up And Choose Christ

3/4/2007 Isaiah 40:27-31 Acts 14:8-20

Today is the celebration of starting our 18th year in ministry together. We praise God for God’s working in and through the life of this church to make a difference for Jesus Christ. How many of you can say that Jesus has made a difference at some point in your life during the past 18 years? How many of you can say that being at Glenville has enriched your life and your growth in the Lord? How many of you can say you have something to be thankful for, because of the move of God in and through your brothers and sisters in Christ?

18 years ago, there were many who doubted we would be here today. Some thought the work of God was done through this place. Some thought the church should close. Some thought the time had past. But thank God for others. Others who dreamed there was yet a future? Others who believed a fresh move of God was possible.

Others who believed and claimed that passage of Scripture which bodly proclaims. Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV) 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men and women stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

For the past 18 years, we have been learning on how to hope in the Lord. Some translations use the words wait upon the Lord .To “wait” or to hope on God means to look to God and to depend upon God. We wait by actively serving God in allowing God to do what God wants to do in and through our lives. We are launching today, our theme for the year. Our theme is “Rise Up And Choose Christ” which is shortened to RUACC. Say Why am I wearing this button.

You have been given a button to wear so that others might ask you the question what is RU-ACC at GNLCC. You are to tell them that God has called us to think before we make decisions, and in so doing we are to rise up above the situation and choose Christ’s will for our lives in this particular situation. For those who wait upon the Lord shall rise up with wings like eagles. Only then can we look down and see things from God’s perspectives. Tell your neighbor, “You need to rise up, and see things from God’s perspective.”

One of the hard things for us as believers to deal with is to do the right thing, and end up having things go to pieces. Have you ever said to God, “Lord I was trying to do it your way and look at what happened”? We like to think that when rise up and choose Christ, it means everything will go smoothly.

In the past 18 years, we have risen up as a church to choose Christ, but it did not mean we did not have some difficult encounters along the way. We rise and choose Christ, because in faith we believe that God is a good God, who loves us, and whatever God’s will for us in a situation is, it is better than what we would choose on our own.

We rise up and choose Christ so that we can demonstrate God’s love and mercy in a given situation. We rise up and choose Christ because our actions will either help someone to know God or will turn someone away from God altogether We rise up and choose Christ because we desire to please God more than we desire to please ourselves. Can you tell me what’s the difference between a chicken and an eagle.

Of course I can. Eagles know how to fly gracefully. Chickens do not. There are plenty of chickens walking around plucking at whatever they might see. They put in their two cents here. They run around squawking over there. But God has not called you to stay on the ground and pick and pluck and squak. God has called you as an individual and we as a church to rise up like an eagle, maintain our peace and our flight, and choose Christ.

In our New Testament reading Paul and Barnabus had been telling others about the life and power of Jesus Christ in the city of Iconium. Some of the people became angry with them for speaking boldly in the Lord. God granted them power to do some miracles so the crowds started gathering. This produced a lot of jealousy among those opposed to the gospel. The enemies of the gospel got together and planned a secret plot to first mistreat Paul and Barnabus and then to stone them.

Somehow Paul and Barnabus discover the dastardly plot and they flee to the cities of Lystra and Derbe. You can imagine them thanking God, for getting them out of that city in the nick of time. They were so grateful to God, that they immediately started back to work preaching the gospel in Lystra. They were not going to be hindered by the threats of others. They made the decision to rise up and choose Christ. Sometimes that is going to mean you have to leave some people and situations behind, even though you desire to be with them. RUACC is not always going to be an easy choice to make.

Once Paul and Barnabus arrive in Lystra, they start boldy preaching again. There was a guy listening to Paul preach about the power of Jesus Christ to heal bodies. This guy had never walked in his entire life. He had been born crippled in his feet. Someone had placed him at the spot. The more Paul preached, the more interested this guy became. He caught Paul’s eye, and Paul saw that he the faith to be healed.

Paul yelled out to him. “Stand up on your feet.” At that the man jumped up and began to walk. You know as we journey in the 18th year of our lives together, where is God saying to some of us, “Stand up on your feet.” Some of us have been in the church, just watching, not really getting involved in the ministry of the church. Is there anybody here who use to sit on the sidelines, but now you’re active in ministry.

Some of us still have potential that we are sitting on, and letting it slip away, because we lack the faith to believe God can do more through our lives. Is there anyone here who got tired of not being qualified, so you made the decision to get up and go back to school and now you are qualified and got the degree for the job?

We do not know where you are as an individual or a couple but we do know God is calling us all to “Stand up on our feet” and put our faith into action. Things may not turn out as we always plan, but they do turn out. We had no idea the way our vision for the New Life Center would change the appearance of this church. But we thank God for what we have today.

Some of our prayers never would have been answered if we had not put some steps with our prayers. That’s why we need to rise up and choose Christ. It’s not enough to just rise up, because if we do we can miss out on what’s most important.

This guy rose and jumped up and began what looked like a great revival. The people started shouting in a language the apostles did not understand. So at first the apostles were happy with what was going on. They thought the people were praising God for the miracle.

Then they got an interpreter and found out that the people were calling the gods. Paul was called Hermes and Barnabus was called Zeus. These were the name of Roman gods. They people were shouting “ the gods have left the heavens and are here for us to worship them.” The priest of Zeus had even brought down some bulls and were ready to offer sacrifices to Paul and Barnabus.

Sometimes when we rise up and choose Christ, it is going to cause confusion in others. They are going to be suspect of who we are. They are going to challenge our motives. They are going to try to make us think we are more than we are. They are going to turn against us.

Paul and Barnabus were shocked to learn they were being called gods. They tore open their clothes and rushed into the crowd saying “look, we are human beings just like you are. We are telling you to turn from these worthless idols that you have and turn to the living God. There was a time when God let everybody just do what they wanted to do, even though he left evidence of his love all around them. But now God is calling everyone to turn away from these false religions and worship the true Living God.”

Paul and Barnabus did not have to do it, but they immediately began to rise up and choose Christ in the midst of this situation. They could have used the situation to exploit the people. They could have gotten rich from this experience. They could have manipulated this situation to their advantage. You see even when you’re doing God’s will, Satan is going to find a way to work in some temptation. Every week we all face temptations.

Some of us we come into church battered and bruised because we made the wrong choice when it came to temptation. Our goal is to always help you to get back on track. No matter what you’ve done, we are here to help you rise up and choose Christ the next time around. For 18 years we have been a healing and relaunching station. That’s what we want to continue to want to be.

Paul and Barnabus told the people in the crowd some things they did not want to hear. How dare Paul and Barnabus declare that there was but one way to worship God, and that was to turn away from what they were doing and give their lives to Christ. Even with their words and tearing their clothes, it was hard to keep the people from offering sacrifices to them.

Some of the enemies that Paul and Barnabus had fled from in Iconium had made their way to Lystra. They got busy by stirring up the crowd and winning them over to the point where the crowd picked up stones and started hurling them at Paul. This time there was no escape. Stone after stone struck Paul’s body until he fell down bleeding and no doubt unconscious. The crowd then perhaps used ropes and to drag Paul outside the city. There seemed to be no life coming from his body. His attackers were convinced that Paul was dead.

Even the believers were thinking this was the end of the line for Paul. Just think for a moment if you were Paul and this had happened to you. How do you think you would be feeling toward God, God’s love, and God’s power to deliver. Surely just as God had warned them in Iconium to get out in the nick of time, God could have warned them in Lystra.

One thing we have learned in 18 years is that God cannot be put in a box as to how God will deal with us in every situation. God is teaching us something different based on what God wants to do in our lives. We have prayed with some of you for cancer and you’ve lived another 10 or 15 years. We have prayed with others, and they died within the year?

We have prayed with some of you for your marriages, and they are better than ever. We have prayed with you for some of your marriages and they did not make it? We have prayed with some of you for homes, and you received brand new homes? We have prayed with others of you for homes and you lost them in foreclosure or bankruptcy. We have prayed and lifted before the Lord many requests ,and desires, Some of which God responded with YES, Some Answers were No, and Some answers were Wait.

It has nothing to do with how spiritual you were, or how much faith you had. As the song goes: Even when we don’t understand, Lord help us to trust your Hand. For God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I Know the plans I have for you Plans to prosper you not harm you , plans for a Hope and a Future.” And though we do not understand it, God’s will is always loving. That is why the bible tells us, without faith it is impossible to please God.

We forget that we gave our lives to Christ to glorify Christ as He pleases to do so. That is why we rise up and choose Christ even in the midst of our pain. Since we are the body of Christ, when we hurt, Christ hurts and feels our pain. But that does not mean God is going to always rush in and change the situation.

But, Hold on, Press On, Push On Pray On –and RISE –UP !! Encourage your neighbor next to you and tell them :RISE – UP neighbor- Help IS ON THE WAY!

In that verse they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strengths, they shall rise up with wings like the eagles, it mentioned two other things that would happen. It said they would run and not grow weary, they would walk and not faint. Paul and Barnabus, were flying like an eagle, when God healed the man and the crowd got all excited. Then they ran rushing into the crowd when because they did not get weary trying to keep the people focused on task. But now comes a period in which they must learn to walk.

There was Paul’s broken, bruised and bloodied body. The disciples gathered around him. Paul regained his consciousness and made a decision. He chose to rise up and choose Christ, because he got up and went back into the city. How many of you would have said, “anywhere but there? Lord don’t ask me to go back there.” In one mission Paul had gone from rising, to running and now to walking. How many of you know he had to walk and not faint on his way back into the city.

18 years of ministry has taught us that sometimes God will bless us to fly like the eagle, sometimes God will bless to run and not get weary, but sometimes we have to be content with God’s blessing which allows us to simply walk and not faint. We do not know in which of these stages you are in today, but we do know that God still wants to use you.

For even in this weakened stage, God had a plan for their lives. For the second half of the verse in which we were told Paul got up and went back into the city let us know. The very next day, Paul and Barnabus left for the city of Derbe and they ROSE UP and preached the good news in that city and won a large number of disciples.

We too can RISE-UP and CHOOSE CHRIST!!!!!!

Encourage Your Neighbor AND SHOUT; RISE –UP AND CHOOSE CHRIST! !!!1














Sermon Outline Pastor Rick & Pastor Toby

“Rise Up And Choose Christ”

3/42007 Isaiah 40:27-31 Acts 14:8-22

A. Celebrating 18 Years In Christ

1. Jesus Makes The Difference

2. Glenville New Life & Sisters & Brothers

3. Some Did Not Think It Would Happen

4. Some Had The Faith To Believe

Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV)

30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

B. RUACC & What It Means

1. The Reason For The Buttons

2. Doing Right And Getting In Trouble

3. God is Good, God Loves Us

4. RUACC Because Of God’s Love

5. Avoid The Chickens Be An Eagle

6. Maintain Your Flight Status

C. Paul & Barnabus Flee Iconium

1. Revival Is Breaking Out—Jealousy

2. Fleeing To Lystra & Derbe

3. Thankful For The Deliverance

4. A Man In Need Of A Touch

5. Stand Up on Your Feet

6. Time To Get Involved

7. Others Have Made The Change

8. Go For The Change—Just Do It

D. The Crowd Goes Wild In Fake Revival

1. Did The Gods Really Come Down

2. Paul Hermes Barnabus Zeus

3. RUACC Leads To Confusion

4. Telling The Truth And Paying A Price

5. God Is Calling For A Change

6. Avoid The Temptation That’s Coming

7. Healing & Relaunching Station

E. When Things Seem To Go Wrong

1. The Crowd Is Won Over

2. Paul Is Stoned & Left For Dead

3. God Cannot Be Put Into A Box

4. Prayer & Faith—Different Results

5. We Walk By Faith

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

F. Why We Give Our Lives To Christ

1. Our Lives Belong To God

2. Christ And Our Pain

3. God Takes His Own Time

4. Hold On , Press On Push on

G. Three Things We learn In Waiting

1. Fly, Run, Walk

2. What Stage Are You In

3. Back To The Mission

4. Encourage Your Neighbor

1995 – New Life Cheerleaders & Girl Scouts Began, Aquila & Priscilla Purchased, The New Life Times Newsletter, Bible Team Quiz, Thursday Night Bible Study

1996 9:15 & 11:15 Worship Time, Prayer For A Second Church Location, Presbytery Meeting With Moderator Of General Assembly Present

1997 Handicap Access Ramp Completed, Roof Replaced On CE Wing – Both Pastors Hired Full Time, Youth Began Selling Tapes Of Service For Funding

1998 Repainted The Sanctuary, Red Carpet Removed , Green Chairs For The Choir, Pews Redone, Plays Final Judgment & The Devil In Disguise

1999 10 Year Anniversary Banquet, TV Ministry Began, Prescription Fund Began

2000 TV Commercials On BET, FAM & ESPN, Kickoff For New Life Center, 24 Hour Prayer Vigil, Kitchen Remodeled, Cameras Added, Upstairs Nursery, Banquet For Charter Members, Outreach Worker Hired—End Of New Life Times II

2001 New Life Fellowship Began, Membership Passes 200, Kellie Sullivan Becomes Candidate For Ordination, Record Amount For New Life Center, Prison Ministry Started, Bridges Began, Left Behind Movie Sponsored, New Fire Alarm & Security System, First Walk A Thon

2002 Air Conditioning For The Sanctuary, NUTS For Christ, Men’s Street Ministry

2003PUSH For Christ, Ministry Giving To Malawi & Ghana, Boilers Replaced, New Tile In Lobby, Pastor Kellie Associate Pastor For Education & Outreach, Bibles Available To Callers

2004 New Bathrooms Installed, Replaced Roofs, Nursery Redone, Band Comes Together, 15th Anniversary Banquet, Hope Has Come, Rotation Model, Church Painted, Internet Computer Room Project

2005 Street Evangelism, Bereavement Workshops, Pioneer Stars Program, Life Worth Living, Urban Church Studies, Pastor Tony Ordained, “Building And Growing” Haiti Christmas Offering , Bibles For India, 40 Days Of Purpose, 8:30 and 11:15 Worship Services, Priscilla Sold, Glass Doors Added To The Lobby Area, New Classrooms, Overhead Projector

2006 Stepping Up To A New Level, New Sanctuary, New Sound Room, New Floors, Warriors Of Praise, Video On The Website, New Pew Chairs, Church E-Mails, You Tube Added

2007 Rise Up And Choose Christ, New Website Features, Donations On Line, 50,000 Viewings On You Tube