Angel Caballero
Contributing sermons since Jun 2, 2009
Newest Sermons
Understanding The Kingdom Of God (Part2)
Contributed on Mar 31, 2010
There are things that we do not see but it’s real. God is the King of the unseen realm called Heaven, but heaven is more real than the natural realm.
Introduction This is the 2nd part of our series on understanding the kingdom of God. Let us review our last Sunday’s lesson: What is a Kingdom? A state or government, anything conceived as constituting a realm or sphere of independent action or control. “Kingdom” ...read more
Understanding The Kingdom Of God
Contributed on Mar 30, 2010
The Gospel of the Kingdom is an invitation for man to return to the realm of life God originally intended.
Introduction: We are entering to a new series on “understanding the kingdom of God” My goal for today is for us to understand the significance of knowing this kingdom by heart. Just the other night, I had a weird dream of big bolds of rock rolling down fast from the mountains. I ask ...read more
To Prosper Or Not To Prosper (Part1)
Contributed on Jan 4, 2010
Does God really want His people prosper or just barely get by?
Intoduction This is really a big debate in this particular topic of ‘Prosperity’ Does God really want His people prosper or just barely get by? There are many critics of this so called prosperity teaching but what does the word of God really says about this? Just recently, I posted this in ...read more
To Prosper Or Not To Prosper (Part2)
Contributed on Jan 3, 2010
What does God really want for His children, to experience abundance? or just to barely get by?
This is the 2nd part of our series entitled “To prosper or not to prosper” Our goal today is to see what does the word of God says, about prosperity. What does God really want for His children, to experience abundance? or just to barely get by? Just for review from last sunday: "save" in the ...read more
To Prosper Or Not To Prosper (Part 3)
Contributed on Jan 3, 2010
What does God really want for His children, to have abundance? or to barely get by?
I believe I have already established to you that God’s will for His children is to prosper them. And we also have learned that sowing plays a major role in our prosperity In order to harvest we need to plant, but even prior we learn to plant God have already provided seeds for ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Kingdom Principles Series
Contributed on Mar 31, 2010
To Prosper Or Not Prosper
Contributed on Jan 4, 2010
To Prosper Or Not To Prosper
Contributed on Jan 3, 2010
The Importance Of The Local Church
Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
The Believer’s Heart
Contributed on Jun 17, 2009
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Save Defined
Contributed on Jan 4, 2010
"SAVE" DEFINED The word "save" in the Greek is the word sozo which literally means to heal, preserve, save, do well, and be (make) whole. It means deliverance in the present as well ...read more
When Jesus Saved Us His Intention Was Not Only ...
Contributed on Jan 4, 2010
When Jesus saved us His intention was not only to save our souls, but also to save us from ...read more
Contributed on Jan 3, 2010
SHALOM The term shalom is used throughout the Bible and means ...read more
As Christians We Need To Step Out From Under The ...
Contributed on Jan 3, 2010
As Christians we need to step out from under the world’s system and learn how ...read more
The Word "Church" Or "Assembly" (Gr. Ecclesia) ...
Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
The word "church" or "assembly" (Gr. ecclesia) is a very general term that is defined ...read more