  • Bobby Crabb

    Contributing sermons since Jul 24, 2004
Bobby's church

Westside Baptist Church
Manila, Arkansas 72442

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  • Ready Or Not Here I Come

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2004
    based on 62 ratings

    A message on the sure second coming of Jesus

    “Ready or Not Here “I” Come” Luke 12:32-40 Introduction An adult Sunday School class was studying sayings about “the end time” in the Gospels. Some were troubled and confused by Jesus’ use of symbols to describe the coming judgement: lamps lit, loins girded, wise and foolish maidens, a more

  • God's Gracious Anger

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    God hates evil and has every right to be angry with our sin, this sermon shows what God wants to do rather than punish that sin.

    “God’s Gracious Anger” Romans 1:18-32 Introduction Can you imagine what it would be like for the Apostle Paul to go on one of those daytime smut talk shows? Most of you have seen the topics they have shows on. I have heard them advertise a show titled My step dad slept with my sister. more