Byron Martin
Contributing sermons since Jan 25, 2011
Newest Sermons
More Beatitudes
Contributed on Jun 16, 2017
From the 'Sermon on the Mount' series we look at two sayings from Jesus; 1. Do not worry and 2. We are known by our fruits. We can learn a lot about ourselves looking at these two pieces of wisdom by Jesus.
Pastor Byron E. Martin American Rescue Workers Community Church in Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Beatitudes: (blessedness), a word not found in the English Bible, but meaning either 1) The joys of heaven, or 2) a declaration of blessedness. The Gospels contain isolated beatitudes by Christ ...read more
Beatitudes: Semon On The Mount
Contributed on Jun 12, 2017
Two truths that Jesus shared. 1. Do Good to Please God. ( Matthew 6: 1-4.) Give without letting others know. 2. Love Your Enemies. (Matthew 5: 38-42) Its actually a really hard thing what Jesus expects of us as Christians. It is hard to be a Christian.
There is a series of teaching that Jesus did while preaching to crowds in the countryside that begins in Matthew chapter 5 and goes to chapter 7. He was preaching on a wide range of subjects and had a way of opening up the scriptures for all to understand. But he also added to the scripture by ...read more
Tempted And Double-Minded
Contributed on Jan 12, 2010
James Chapter One tells us the results of being double-minded in that we should expect nothing of God unless we can make a clear choice.
Tempted & Double Minded Rev. Col. Byron E. Martin American Rescue Workers DC Corps rescued@aol.com READ James 1: 2-8 Illustration (from sermoncentral.com) What is double-minded? A mother noticed that a friend of her teenage daughter had a tattoo of a Japanese symbol on her back. "Please ...read more
Take The Boat Out Jesus
Contributed on Jun 15, 2009
This sermon came together after spending a week in Canada fishing so it’s about fish, water and boats.
Three men were out fishing one day & caught a mermaid. The mermaid said she would grant them each a wish if they would let her go. So the 1st man said, “make me twice as smart as I already am." The mermaid said, your wish is granted & immediately the man started quoting Shakespeare & had this ...read more
An Excellent Spirit
Contributed on Jun 15, 2009
A re-visit to Daniel in the lion’s den and how God blessed his excellent spirit.
A pretty lonely guy decided life would be more fun if he had a pet. So he went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual pet. After some discussion, he decided on a centipede, which came in a little white box to use for its house. He took the centipede home, found a good ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
The Beatitudes
Contributed on Jun 12, 2017