  • Chanon Mullens

    Contributing sermons since Jan 27, 2005
Chanon's church

Gauley Bridge Baptist Church
Gauley Bridge, West Virginia 25085

About Chanon
  • Education: Currently enrolled with Liberty University Distance Learning Program. 1/2 way home! West Virginia Baptist Convention School of Christian Studies student as well.
  • Experience: Pulpit supply 1year Full time ministry 3 years
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: "There is none righteous, no not one"
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Salvation series, Joshua’s overtaking of Jericho
  • Family: Married for 12 with two sons, 11 and 7.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Don’t hear me enough to make decision
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: HMM!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Be sure there is nothing else in the world I can do
  • Books that have had an impact: Criminalization of Christianity Many Books by John Hagee
  • Hobbies: Hunting Fishing Golf ATV riding
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Your life is a vapor, appears for a while and then it’s over -James
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: ME
  • What I want on my tombstone: A man is unworthy of what God makes him worthy of.
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Newest Sermons

  • "Peters Boat"

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Peters boat became a vessel of transformation; the same should happen with us once Jesus enters.

    • Have you noticed that God used many different things to accomplish his purposes • He used David’s sling, the jawbone of an ass to help Samson, an axe head, five loaves and two fishes, a cross and an empty tomb to mention a few things • He also used Peter’s boat • I know that God can use you more

  • "No More Excuses"

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Moses had several excuses; of which God didn’t accept any

    • An excuse is a reason we give for not doing what someone else expects us to do. We not only make excuses for missing church, but for missing work, school, and meetings. We also make excuses for bad behavior and for bad attitudes, and for not getting a job done on time or for not doing more

  • "The Word Of Contentment"

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus spoke 7 profound words upon the cross; this are words that reflect our abilities through Christ

    • The Seven Sayings of the Savior on the Cross; seven profound statements that Jesus proclaimed as He took upon Himself the sins of the world • As Jesus took upon the hurt and suffering caused by sin He spoke the words that were necessary so that we may obtain salvation through His more

  • "The Word Of Affection"

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ spoke profound words upon the cross; Words that indicate what our attitude and ability should and can be

    • As Jesus hung upon the tree of iniquity, taking upon Himself the sins of the world, He used SEVEN profound words • These words, all with specific purpose and meaning, can be applied to our lives as we go about life on earth • These words, carry all the authority and power that God had bestowed more

  • "The Word Of Forgiveness"

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ spoke profound words upon the cross; Words that indicate what our attitude and ability should and can be

    “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” • At the end of the crucifixion week; man can be seen in his worst condition, the One whom had been sent to save was now facing the unjust murder pronounced by His peers • John 1:11: “He came unto his own, and his own more

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