  • Danny Janes

    Contributing sermons since Dec 7, 2012
Danny's church

Liberty Wesleyan Church
Summerfield, North Carolina 27358

About Danny
  • Education: Danny is a 1981 graduate of Marion College (now Indiana Wesleyan University), Marion, Indiana. He received his B.A. degree in Christian Ministries & Biblical Literature.
  • Experience: Danny has served in the pastoral ministry (solo & senior) since graduating from college in 1981. He was ordained in the N.C. West District of the Wesleyan Church in 1983. He has served churches in: Morganton, N.C. (1981-86), Gastonia, N.C. (86-90), Toronto, Canada (90-91), Kalamazoo, MI. (1991-2009), and Summerfield, N.C. (2009-Present)
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I have been blessed by so many great preachers, pastors, and writers throughout my ministry. Many of them were here on Sermon Central. I hope that I can begin to "pay back" others for the help given to me over the years. A District Superintendent once told me, "Why be original -- when you can be good?" He said it tongue-in-cheek, but there's much truth to it. I hope that if something "original" of mine can help another busy pastor -- you will use it freely. God bless you in your preaching.
  • Family: Danny is married to his college sweetheart, Tanna, since 1980. They have two children, and two grandchildren.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Never say, "And in conclusion. . ." -- until you mean it!
  • Hobbies: Golf, travel with my wife, writing, exploring lighthouses, riding my mortocycle
  • What I want on my tombstone: Please leave the place better than you found it.
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Newest Sermons

  • Surrounded By Something Better - Funeral Message For Charles Shirah

    Contributed on Jan 9, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Funeral message for a male believer. Ideal for an avid sports fan.

    SURROUNDED BY SOMETHING BETTER Funeral Message for Charles Shirah Text: Hebrews 12:1-2 As I started to prepare for Charles funeral today – there was a passage of scripture that just kept coming to my mind. That’s not really odd itself. But the unusual thing was that I’ve more

  • When Christmas Comes

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2012

    A slightly shorter message -- ideal for Christmas Eve, Candlelight Services, Cantata devotional, or condensed preaching time. When Christmas comes, will God find you working (like the shepherds), watching (like the wise men), or expectantly waiting (like

    WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES Text: Micah 5:2 Among the many Christmas cards which Tanna and I receive every year, we received one a few years ago that was more of a little booklet than it was a card. It contained a series of 4 short Christmas stories, all contributed by Christian writers. And one more

  • A Light In The Darkness

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Good sermon for first Sunday of Advent -- lighting of Prophet Candle. The theme of light vs. darkness is woven throughout the Bible. This is what the coming of the Light marked in our world.

    A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS TEXT: Isaiah 9:2, John 8:12 There’s a fascinating recurring theme woven throughout the Bible. It’s the theme of light and darkness. We begin with darkness in only the second verse of the entire Bible. Genesis 1:2 says, “And the earth was without more

  • The Christmas Ex-Perience

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    "Merry Xmas!" Whenever you try to take "Christ" out of "Christmas" -- all you have left are "Xs". Excesses, Exhaustion, and Exchanges. But we were made for Expectation, Exaltation, and Examination.

    THE CHRISTMAS X-PERIENCE Text: John 1:1-14 (Suggested opening video: Christmas With A Capital C) There are many beautiful traditions and practices that have come to be associated with Christmas. And many of them aren’t what you would call “Christian traditions or more

  • Funeral Message For Leola Williams

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2012

    Funeral message for a 91 year old Christian lady who had demonstrated amazing resilience in how many times she had defied the doctor's predictions of her demise. She was also a lady who loved to be outdoors in the sunshine. I had never used an object le

    FUNERAL MESSAGE for Leola Williams We have a long-held tradition here at Liberty – that I’m sure isn’t anything unique to our church. every Mother’s Day Sunday, we take a moment to recognize and honor the mother with the most children present. And also – the more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • The Gift Of A Child,” By Mary Ann ...

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2012

    “The Gift of a Child,” by Mary Ann Matthews. “Christmas comes at different times for me every year. I never know precisely when it will arrive or what will produce its spirit, but I can always be sure that it will happen. Last year Christmas happened while I was visiting my parents. The day more

  • A Christ-Less Christmas.

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2012

    One of the most enjoyable jobs I ever had before entering the ministry was when I worked for Sears as a salesman in the Men’s Department. I worked there while I was in high school, and part of the time while I was in college. And always the most memorable night of the year to be scheduled to work more