Douglas's church

Valley Community Church
Wenatchee, Washington 98801
(509) 663-8808

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  • Enduring The Storms On The Path Of Obedience

    Contributed on Nov 12, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    The storms of life often come as a direct result of our obedience to Christ. Remember, he’s got his eye on you. You aren’t alone. He allowed you to face this storm for a purpose. Often that purpose is to let you get a glimpse of his glory when he pass

    Enduring The Storms On the Path of Obedience Mark 6:45-56 Last week we looked on as Jesus taught his men that if they were going to follow him they would have to be both Obedient and Attentive. In other words they would have to listen to God for direction and obey, but they must also keep more

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