  • Dove Inspirations

    Contributing sermons since Jun 10, 2021
Dove's church

Ezekiel 34:15

About Dove
  • Education: Still in the school of The HOLY SPIRIT, no graduation there, HE is the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR and HE knows everything, still have a loooong way to go...
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: The MOST HIGH is deeply concerned about you.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Shurrup! I have not followed this advice.
  • Books that have had an impact: Genesis Gospel of John
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: If JESUS saved me, HE can save you too.
  • What I want on my tombstone: What's all this about graves? Lets go like Elijah or in the rapture. No need for graves and tombs.
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Newest Sermons

  • Restoration

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2024

    What is GOD's portion in your restoration? Why do you really want to be restored? Restoration is a good thing , a desirable thing, let us approach it with maturity.

    Restoration Joel 2 Restoration is a common theme today. There are songs and sermons about restoration everywhere. including this one. Everybody wants to be restored, to be repaid, re-established. We all desire to be restored to what was there before and more. Sometimes, we pray for more

  • Why All The Hate Among Ourselves? Why The Disunity And Lack Of Support For Each Other?

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2024

    The sign that we have to show that we are Christians is love. If we love one another, then the world will know that we are Christians. It is shocking to see the disunity among ourselves. The hate we display to one another even as unbelievers watch and wonder.

    Many Christians are disturbed by the hate that is being witnessed against people who publicly declare their faith in JESUS CHRIST. In fact JESUS HIMSELF told us that as things escalate one of the signs of the end times is that we will be handed over for death by even our own relatives. Truly, more

  • Focus On Jesus Christ. Run Your Race

    Contributed on Jun 25, 2024

    We are witnessing the intimidation, humiliation and silencing of Christian preachers, an outright war against Christianity sometimes by Christians themselves. This is a call for the Body of CHRIST,for each to run their race with their focus on JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR.

    Luke 9:49-50 49 “Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” 50 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.” Focus on ME Nowadays, it seems like it is the trend to analyze, debate and more

  • Judgment Day

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2024

    It is appointed unto man to die once and after that face judgment. That is not the only judgment man will face. On earth one may face many types of judgment, but the eternal judgment and the consequences thereof are too serious to just wave away or leave to chance.

    JUDGMENT DAY John 3:16 Many judgments are delivered world over. Here, I am talking about the judgment that determines where you will spend eternity and what rewards and or punishments you get, if any. There is a judgment day for everyone. Scripture tells us that even the angels will be judged, more

  • The Reason For The Season?

    Contributed on Dec 20, 2023

    I AM the Reason for everything

    I hate your noisy gatherings. They are about yourselves and your systems that you have set to please and solidify yourselves against ME in MY own world which I created and own. You do not know what I stand for and neither do you want to know. You are bent on having your own way and following your more

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