Jack's church

Thornapple Covenant Church
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546
616 957 0580

About Jack
  • Education: B.A. in Film and Video Production, The Ohio State University. M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
  • Experience: 2 years pastoral associate in Glasgow, Scotland. Two 1/2 years youth pastor in Tulsa, OK. Two 1/2 years Director of Creative Arts in Southampton, England. Currently serving as Senior Associate Pastor
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: If there is anything good here, it is from the Lord. Everything else is mine. :)
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Anything by Peter Marshall
  • One of my favorite illustrations: A young spiritual seeker once encountered a man he knew could show him the way to God. He followed this man everywhere, begging to be told the way to God. Finally the teacher, wearied by the young man’s constant questioning, took him to the banks of a deep river. “Look into the water,” he said, “and you will find the truth you seek.” The young man bent over the river, and immediately the teacher pushed his head into the water and held him there. The young man kicked and struggled, but the teacher held him under. After what seemed an eternity, the teacher let the man up for air. Gasping and coughing, the young man asked: “Why…why in the world did you do that.” The wise man replied calmly, “My son, when you desire GOD like you just desired air, then, and only then, will you find him.”
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Write for the ear, not for the eyes.
  • Books that have had an impact: "Spiritual Leadership" by Oswald Chambers, "Just as I Am" by Billy Graham, "A Man Called Peter" by Catherine Marshall
  • Hobbies: Music, computers, and film
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: ...what I always say: surrender to God that you might know joy, meaning, and purpose through His Son Jesus Christ, who died that you might live.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: The first time I ever preached, I was so nervous that I spoke in very hushed tones. After the service, the older folks in the congregation kept telling me, "You looked very good up there."
  • What I want on my tombstone: What are you looking at?
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  • Narnia: Winter Meets Its Death

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2006
    based on 48 ratings

    Using "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" along with the Biblical story of Simeon, a look at how Jesus’ coming brings an end to the long winter of humanity’s separation from God.

    Always winter…but never Christmas. Try to imagine that for a moment. Always winter…but never Christmas. Of course, at this point in the season some of you Moms and Dads out there might be thinking, “YES!” But really…imagine for a moment what it would be like if Christmas never came…but more

  • Search For The Hero

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    Part one of the "Holding Out for a Hero" series, which examines the life of David and explores the question: "What makes a hero in God’s eyes?"

    HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO “Search for the Hero” As we begin this series on superheroes, I thought it appropriate to examine a recent film that looked at the idea of a superhero in an entertaining and innovative way. The film is called “Unbreakable,” and it stars Bruce Willis as David Dunn, an more

  • May The Force Be With You

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2002
    based on 33 ratings

    Part two of the "Holding Out for a Hero" series, examining the story of David and Goliath and asking "What are the giants we face and how do find victory instead of defeat?"

    HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO “May the Force Be With You” Wouldn’t it be great to have super powers? Wouldn’t you like to wake up one morning to find you had, in the words of the old Superman TV show… “powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men?” To be faster than a speeding more

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