Jadif's church

BEM (SIB) Olive Garden

About Jadif
  • Education: B. Sc. (Multimedia Technology), B. Th.
  • Experience: Working as IT since 2006, Praise & Worship Ministry since 1997, Communication Ministry since 2016
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Newest Sermons

  • Overcoming Disappointments: Do Not Give Up

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2023

    We may be disappointed with many things in our lives. We been disappointed with our family, close friends, our employer or even in ourselves. It happen in our every day lives. But we can overcome it and we need to overcome it with the word of God. Lets learn together from the word of God.

    1 Pet. 1:1-19 NAS Shalom brothers and sisters. Lets turn to our bible and read from 1 Peter 1:1-19. I am reading from New American Standard (NAS) version and we can sum up the verses with reminders from verse 13 – 19, i. gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit ii. fix your hope more