James's church

All Believers Faith Center
Memphis, Tennessee 38116

About James
  • Education: I graduated from Mitchell High School in 1995. After a long time out of school, I am presently going to Crichton College working on my Bachlors in business (Prayerfully, graduation in the Fall of 2003. My future plans are to attend Interdenominational Thelogical Center in Atlanta, GA for my Master of Divinity and Doctor of Thelolgy.
  • Experience: I have worked in the youth ministry since 1997. Recently, I excepted the job as Youth Pastor of All Believers Faith Center. If anyone has worked in youth ministry, you already know that the experiences are too many to number, but I thank God for the time and experience.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: My writen sermons are not long, so I get right to the point. I want to give God all the room he needs to do what he wants to do.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Just about everything by Bishop T.D. Jakes Taken Authorty by Bishop Eddie Long Dominion Campmeeting by Rod Parsely
  • Family: I’m single (looking and waiting for that Godly helpmate), have no kids (but I’ve "adopted" the kids I work with at the church). All of my Family all live in the city of Memphis and we are a close net group of folks!
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mom is my biggest supporter in the ministry. She says that my sermon are a blessing and that God is blessing his people through them.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "Don’t beat the Holy Spirit to the pulpit, and don’t let Him beat you back to your seat" in other words always be lead by the Spirit in ALL that you do! If you have a heart for the calling that God has for your life, God will never leave you without somehting to say that will minister to someone! (Even if it one!)
  • Books that have had an impact: "So You Call Yourself A Man" By Bishop T.D. Jakes (every man should read this book) "David" by Charles Swindoll (The best telling of David’s life that out there)
  • Hobbies: I love to read (of course), travel, basketball, listen to all kinds of music, graphic design work (have a business called Elohim Designs), love to share the Word of God with his people, cook, watch TV (and not just TBN), to stay at the feet of God and learn.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Jeremiah 29:11 THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!!
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Nothing out of the way has happen yet...but I’m sure that it will, just to keep me humble! :)
  • What I want on my tombstone: FAITHFUL SERVANT TO GOD AND HIS PEOPLE
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  • Seedtime And Harvest

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    In order for you to get to the harvest that God has for you, something has to be planted.

    I know most everybody is use to the scripture for giving (tithing) Luke 6: 38 or Malachi 3: 10, but I have found two other scriptures that breakdown God’s theory on seed time and harvest. The time is coming (and now is) that it won’t be us harvesting our blessing, but the “sinner” will be bringing more

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