  • Jason Patrick

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Jason's church

Downsville Baptist Church
Waco, Texas 76706

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  • God's Watching On Mondays Too

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2002
    based on 107 ratings

    Worship is not intended as a burden through which we meet the obligations of God. Worship is God’s gift that prepares us to live the life of service to God’s kingdom.

    God’s Watching On Mondays Too / Micah 6:1-8 Epiphany 4, Year A; Downsville Baptist Church; 3 February 2002 As we are in the midst of worship this morning, I suppose we would be quite alarmed if a lawyer walked into the church and presented a court summons to our church. Downsville Baptist more

  • Keeping Grace In Bounds?

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Arrogance destroys our walk with Christ because any notion of self-sufficiency pertaining to righteousness distorts the power and necessity of God’s grace in all of our lives.

    “Keeping Grace in Bounds” / Luke 19:1-10 Proper 25, Year C, Downsville Baptist Church (4 November 2001) As Mr. Zachary Allens walked into Main Street Baptist Church a couple of minutes late last Sunday evening, he was greeted by scowls and low whispers. Nobody liked Zach Allens, and everybody more

  • The Song Of A Pregnant Teenager

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    Often times we find it difficult to submit to God’s will, but Mary serves as an inspiring example of how we can submit to God even when God’s plan is an utter mystery to us.

    The Song of a Pregnant Teenager / Luke 1:47-55 Third Sunday of Advent, Year A; Downsville Baptist Church; 16 Dec. 2001 She was the last girl anybody expected to fall under this kind of disgrace. Fourteen years old, a freshman at Jerusalem High School with a straight A average, Mary always more

  • When God's Goodness Is Eclipsed

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    One struggle of the Christian life is to maintain hope in the goodness of God. Christmas promises us that God is good even in the midst of the most adverse circumstances.

    When God’s Goodness is Eclipsed / Matthew 2:13-23 Christmastide, Year A; Downsville Baptist Church; 30 December 2001 Phyllis was a 25 year old mother of a 6 month old little baby boy named, Jeremy. Phyllis and her husband, Oliver, a animal skin tanner in Bethlehem were happy parents. Phyllis more

  • The Best Gifts Come In Small Packages

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    We need the joyful reminder that God is present with us not only in life’s most difficult moments but especially in the midst of life’s tragedies.

    The Best Gifts Come in Small Packages / Matthew 1:18-25 Advent 4, Year A; Downsville Baptist Church; 23 Dec. 2001 A little boy and girl were singing their favorite Christmas carol in church the Sunday before Christmas. The boy concluded "Silent Night" with the words, "Sleep in heavenly beans." more

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