  • J.d. Tutell

    Contributing sermons since Mar 31, 2005
J.D.'s church

Trinity Baptist Church
Mesa, Arizona 85013
(480) 834-9120

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Newest Sermons

  • A Time For Celebration

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    When God does great things we need to celebrate like David did and bring a proper attitude in our worship.

    The year is so long ago we won’t mention it. But I was a freshmen in High School, I was playing soccer for my churches club team. We’re playing this team and they’re better than we are. They’re beating us, not bad, but they’re winning. Then it happens, it’s more

  • The Value Of Truth

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Although the nature of truth may be debated, God is the source of truth and His truth is absolute.

    A small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness to the stand in a trial - a grand-motherly, elderly woman. He approached her and asked, “Mrs. Jones, do you know me?’ She responded, ‘Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I’ve known you since you were a young more

  • The Least Of These

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2012

    A sermon on charity and missions designed to allow time to introduce a missionary to give a short presentation.

    An umpire named Babe Pinelli once called Babe Ruth out on strikes. When the crowd booed with sharp disapproval at the call, the legendary Ruth turned to the umpire with disdain and said, "There’s 40,000 people here who know that the last pitch was ball, tomato head." Suspecting that the more

  • Complete Forgiveness

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2012

    Do we have a heart of forgiveness or fault finding? How we answer this question reveals if our heart is fully committed to God.

    A lawyer was reading the will of a rich man. All of the people who were mentioned in the will were required to attend: “To you, my loving wife Rose, who stood by me in rough times, as well as good, I leave her the house and $2 million.” “To my daughter Jessica, who looked more

  • Empowered By Faith

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2012

    True faith goes beyond believe in God existence to believing that God can do what He said He would do. If we really have faith we will be willing to take risks and depend on Him.

    We’re going to be starting our series on “Discovering the Heart of God” today. For the next few weeks both in the sermons and then also in several community groups we’re going to be talking about things that come from the heart of God. It’s not just that God loves more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Fixing The Fence At The White House

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    FIXING THE FENCE AT THE WHITE HOUSE Three contractors were on a tour of the White House. One is from Minnesota, another is from Tennessee, and the third is from Chicago. As they are walking through they notice a broken fence and ask if it would be possible to submit a bid to fix it. They are more

  • A Man And His Porsche

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2012

    A MAN AND HIS PORSCHE A New York stockbroker had just purchased a brand new Porsche. He parked it in front of his office to show it off to his colleagues. As he's getting out of the car, an SUV comes speeding along too close to the curb and takes off the door before driving off. The man gets more

  • A Woman Was In Bankruptcy Court. Despite The ...

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2012

    A woman was in bankruptcy court. Despite the fact that she had a good job and a good income she still couldn't pay all of her bills on time. The judge asked her, "Can't you live within your income?" "No, more

  • Because The Prince Had Come

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    BECAUSE THE PRINCE HAD COME A man named Phillip Keller was born in Kenya and then moved to the United States. To describe this principle he tells the story of the growing up there. The majority of people did not really think of themselves as subjects of the King of England. After all they more

  • Eating Vegetables For Love

    Contributed on Jun 21, 2011

    EATING VEGETABLES FOR LOVE When I was growing up and living at home, my parents couldn’t get me to eat vegetables for anything. They not only tried threats, they followed through. It didn’t work. Then I met Linda, we started dating, her parents had me over for dinner. She would look at more