  • Jenny Inglis

    Contributing sermons since Feb 13, 2003
Jenny's church

St John the Baptist Anglican Church
Mudgee, *Province/Other 2850
(02) 6372 1126

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  • "What Shall I Render To The Lord...?"

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Today we view Australian Anglicanism=s beginnings as a lens through which we may better know God who calls us ever onwards into Christ=s mission sustained with the true and living bread.

    In the name of our living God, creator, redeemer and sanctifier. Amen. Today we view Australian Anglicanism’s beginnings as a lens through which we may better know God who calls us ever onwards into Christ=s mission sustained with the true and living bread. How do we as Australian Anglicans more