John's church

Chinese Bible Church of Maryland
Rockville, Maryland 20853

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  • The Glory Of A Story

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2015

    We reflect on major news stories of 2014. Then we explain how the Bible is a story. We finish by drawing implications that God has a story for us, for the world, and for our church in 2015.

    THE GLORY OF A STORY Deut. 6:4-25 John Tung, 1-4-15 I. Introduction: The Story of the World in 2014 Happy New Year, everyone! As we say goodbye to 2014, we can say that it was quite a year. On the international front, we had the Ebola crisis, the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines more

  • Tradeoffs

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    There are tradeoffs in life in general and in spiritual life: A. Some things need to be denied in order for other things to be gained B. Some things need to be lost in order for other things to be found C. Some things need to be carried in order for ot

    I. Introduction Is being a Christian supposed to be a joy or a burden? Is being a Christian supposed to be something that brightens our life or weigh us down? Some people think that being a Christian means it creates a heavy burden and weighs them down. I want to show you today that that is more

  • "Manna Again?! Yuk!"

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Like the Israelites in the wilderness, we complain too easily. Learn what a complaint to God is, and be surprised at what happens when we complain to God.

    “MANNA AGAIN?! YUK!” Numbers 11:4-9, 31-34 John Tung, 6-3-07 I. Introduction Long, long time ago, a nation had a king. This king was greater than any king in the whole world. He was strong, protective, wise and provided for this people. The only problem was that this king was invisible. more

  • A Church That Reaches Different People

    Contributed on May 10, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    The Apostle Peter was called to reach different kinds of people: someone with nothing to contribute to society, someone with great amount to contribute, someone with an undetermined amount to contribute. God cares for all of them, and so should the church

    A CHURCH THAT STEPS OUT: REACHING DIFFERENT KINDS OF PEOPLE Acts 9:32-43 John Tung, 5-6-07 I. Introduction There is a commercial on TV which shows several signs from companies that offer very mixed up services that do not belong together. For example - and this is in the spirit on the more

  • Words And Prayer For Virginia Tech

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Addressing the Virginia Tech. shooting this week and offering words of prayer before my sermon.

    Today, I want to start by addressing the shooting at Va. Tech. this week. I have followed the news this week, as you have. It seems to me that the cause of this shooting was mental illness exacerbated by the immigrant experience. So, the first thing I want to say is that we need to take the stigma more

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  • Deny Yourself

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2009

    DENY YOURSELF But for the players on the Super Bowl, they had to sacrifice much last week. The players had to give up being with their family for that week as they prepared for the big game. Some teams actually put all the players in a hotel separate from their families, so there are no more

  • Let The Dead Bury Their Dead

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2009

    LET THE DEAD BURY THEIR DEAD To one person who wanted to bury his father before following Jesus, Jesus said, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." (Lk. 9:60) Doesn’t that sound harsh? Someone’s father just died, and the man can’t even go back to bury more

  • Take Up Your Cross

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2009

    TAKE UP YOUR CROSS Christiana Tsai was a Christian woman who developed an eye disease that made it impossible for her to see light directly and was virtually blind. She had to wear very dark glasses. Yet, she did not withdraw into her own room and say how tough she has it. No, she used her more

  • Why Fruit?

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    WHY FRUIT? Why are these character traits called fruit of the spirit? Why not other food groups: like meat of the spirit or bread of the spirit or dairy of the spirit? There are four reasons why it’s called fruit of the spirit: because fruit is healthy, sweet, living and whole. Fruit is more

  • In Ancient History, Tanning Was Considered A ...

    Contributed on May 10, 2007

    “In ancient history, tanning was considered a “smelly” trade and relegated to the outskirts of town, amongst the poor. Tanning by ancient methods is so foul smelling that tanneries are still isolated from those towns today where the old methods are used. The ancients used leather for waterskins, more