Johnny Small
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Sowing Of Seeds
Contributed on Aug 17, 2004
Who are the characters in the parables and what each represents.
Sowing of Seeds Jesus taught the people using parables. He told short stories using terms that the people were familiar with. These short stories also caused the people to think and to try to reason what Jesus was telling them. Just like today some people were too lazy or too busy to stop and ...read more
Jesus Is Coming Back
Contributed on Jun 23, 2004
We have won the victory through Jesus Christ, but why aren’t we living that way?
So much of the time I see Christians walking around with their heads hanging down saying “woe is me, woe is me, the sky is falling”. Where is our joy? Where is our peace? Jesus hung on that cross and took on our sins and rose from the grave on the third day, He declared victory over death, hell ...read more
Father's Day
Contributed on Jun 23, 2004
To be a great father, you first must be a great husband.
Today we are celebrating a day honoring our fathers. Being a father is a great responsibility. What we do as a father will impact generations to come. Our children learn by watching us and they will become the type of parents that we were. Children learn by example. Prov 22:6 6 Train a child ...read more
Contributed on Jun 23, 2004
Can a person be a Christian and have doubts about their Salvation?
Have you ever had doubts about your salvation? Is it possible to be saved and have doubts? Are you saved and never had doubts? Let’s see what John had to say about the subject and how we can know for sure that we are saved. This book is called “Names and Numbers”. Are your names written in ...read more
Heaven Or Hell, Your Choice
Contributed on Nov 2, 2003
We make many choices everyday, but there is one choice that everyone must make during their life that will affect them for eternity.
Heaven or Hell, Your Choice We make many choices during our lives. We choose whether we obey our parents as we grow up. We choose whether we study in school. We choose the college that we attend. We choose our hopefully lifelong spouse. We choose our occupation. This is just a few of the ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Seven Churches Of Revelation
Contributed on Mar 21, 2002
Taking Up Your Cross In Todays World
Contributed on Mar 4, 2002
Taking Up Your Cross In Today’s World
Contributed on Jan 31, 2002
Taking Up Your Cross In Today's World
Contributed on Dec 21, 2001
Newest Sermon Illustrations
God So Loved
Contributed on Mar 12, 2003
God So Loved I want to paint a picture for you this morning. Picture yourself arguing with a friend and you really lose it. You pull out a gun and kill your friend. You are caught and arrested. You receive your day in court and found guilty of your sin of murder. You are sentenced to die by ...read more
Pastor Neimoller A Doctor In Nazi Germany Wrote ...
Contributed on Mar 4, 2002
Pastor Neimoller a doctor in Nazi Germany wrote the following poem prior to World War II. It has a message that we need to consider today. In Germany they first came for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up ...read more