Leslie's church

Angels Of God
Bellevue, Nebraska 68005-2923
(402) 291-0956

About Leslie
  • Education: I have a Doctorate in Divinity, Doctorate in Theology, 2 Associate Degrees in Criminal Justice and Juvenile Justice
  • Experience: Thirty five years of Preaching the Gospel . I think that says it all. It is the best "job" on earth and the most fun "job" anyone could ever have.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: It is my desire that in knowing the Truth of God that you will take another look at your life and accept Jesus, if you haven’t already. If you have, I hope that they teach you, inspire you and encourage you to be strong witnesses for the Lord.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Sermons on God’s Truth and God.Not man’s perception of God or what he thinks God thinks or is saying.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: "He Paid" by Carrie McCutcheon
  • Family: I am a widow and I have 4 sons, 1 daughter, 1 son-in-law, 9 grandsons, 1 granddaughter, and three great grand-daughters. My Mom and dad are still alive at age 79 and 75 -in upstate New York.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: They are of a few words, but I get from them..."Very Thought Provoking"
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: My best Advice came from God, Himself. He said, "Preach my truth, not man’s. Let me give you my words and let me use us as my earthly instrument in it."
  • Books that have had an impact: There are too many to name, but I will say that many of them were from Billy Graham
  • Hobbies: Writing Poetry, books and sermons. Reading the Word of God and watching Religious videos.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: People, time is short, the rapture is rapidly approaching and then the Tribulation. I would like to see all of you saved and caught up with the Lord and not be subjected to the terrors of the Tribulation. Won’t you consider jesus and turn your complete heart and life over to Him, who loves you matter how bad of a sinner you are?
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: One sunday, not too long in the far distant past, I was preeaching a sermon on the Broad and Narrow road. I had just gotten to the part where I said those who chose the broad road will find their world crashing in on them and spending eternity in hell. The ceiling then caved in because of a faulty water pipe! God made His point that Day!
  • What I want on my tombstone: The First Shall Be Last - The Last Shall Be First - I’d Rather Be Last.
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  • God And Profanity

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 17 ratings

    God and Profanity and other sins

    How many of you have ever wished you never hear a swear or profane word? How many of you are still fighting the battle of using profanity and curse words? If I could have one thing given or granted to me by God, I would ask that every single curse or profane word I ever heard in my life would more

  • Day Of Infamy

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    Like Pearl Harbor.September 11,2001 was another "Day in Infamy"

    Jesus Is Coming! Are you Prepared For it? It is very important for us to always keep in mind that this time on earth is only a moment when compared to eternity. I understand that it is important that we live life to it’s fullest and enjoy every bit of living here on earth, but still we need to more

  • The Keys To Freedom

    Contributed on Jul 17, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    Even if you are in Prisoned or a prisoner of your body due to cna be free!

    Do you want freedom from the prison you are in? Whether it is a structural, physical or emotional prison that you find yourself in. There are three keys to freedom. Before I reveal the Keys to your permanent freedom, we will look at the sources of your prison - albeit of the structural, physical or more

  • The God Game

    Contributed on Jul 13, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    God versus Cloning....God Wins!

    I recently read in Newsweek Magazine’s Special Double Edition Magazine an article that caused me to write the Lesson for today. The article wastitled "The God Game No More". Now after reading this, I was righteously angered. I thought,"Ya! You think so? How dare you say such a thing!" I then heard more

  • God And Racism

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    What God has to say about Racism

    As young girl growing up, I lived in an adopted household. My mother was a Blackfoot indian and my father was white anglo-saxon. His ancestory went back thru the lines to Abraham Lincoln and so on. My mothers went back thru the Nez Perce Tribe and Chief my grandmother told me. I lived in more