Mark's church

East Side Christian Church
Long Beach, California 90804

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  • Gimme That Old-Time Religion

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Various Cults at work today.

    GIMME THAT OLD TIME RELIGION Mark White 1-03-02 Scripture Focus – 2Thessalonians 1-3 Time Magazine calls The New Age is "a combination of spirituality and superstition, fad and farce, about which only one thing is certain, it is not new". Actually its more

  • Are You Dating Jesus

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    Are you just dating Jesus or are you ready to make a commitment?

    ARE YOU DATING JESUS? Where are you at in your relationship with Jesus? -Relationships -Today relationships are very problematic -No one wants to make a commitment -Women and men have different views of a relationship -Women want to be married and raise families for the most part -Men more

  • Take A Rest, Let God Work.

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    Free yourself of those things that would hinder God’s work in your life.

    Take a rest and let the Lord work! Let’s close our eyes a moment. No peeking now! Let’s clear our minds of everything except Jesus. Leave all of our concerns… for just a few moments… to focus on Jesus. Let nothing else come between your thoughts of Jesus. Block out all other thoughts… except more