  • Paddy Venner

    Contributing sermons since Dec 23, 2005
Paddy's church

Earlham Christian Centre
Norwich, *Province/Other NR58RF

About Paddy
  • Education: High School Bible College
  • Experience: 15 years in ministry so far
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: These are merely notes - the power is in the delivery. Use them, make them your own and rock the flock!
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: The Law of Attachmnet - Paul Scanlon - changed my outlook on life and ministry. What is in your Hand - by myself - changed the face of my church A Heart for the House - Brian Houston - revolutionised our approach to church at ECC
  • One of my favorite illustrations: too many to number - possibly the story of the brick.
  • Family: married with 2 young sons
  • What my parents think of my sermons: love them (not that it matters)
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: enjoys - thinks I use too much Christianese and is trying to reinvent my language.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Preach with one foot in the Bible and one foot in the newspaper.
  • Books that have had an impact: All John Eldredge’s books - awesome, awesome, awesome!!! For this I was Born - Brian Houston Courageous Leadership - Bill Hybels Purpose-Driven books of Rick Warren
  • Hobbies: Music Computer Gaming Movies Sport spectating
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Fell face first on the stage getting up to preach - notes and Bible scattered to the four winds
  • What I want on my tombstone: here lies Paddy. He made a difference.
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Newest Sermons

  • Shake Your World

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    Part of the strategic positioning by God of your life is the shaking away of the junk that should not have been there in the first place

    • Today I wrap up my theme of looking at issues of the heart – we have spoken about aligning our heart, having hearts filled with a wild faith, having a heart for the house, creating room in our hearts for God, we have looked at how doing what is in our hands unlocks the door to what is in our more

  • Where Is Your Heart In Relation To The Future

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    See through the ’now’ to where you are headed. the ’now’ is the vehicle to your destiny. Stop looking at things and start looking through them.

    • Brian Houston once said “Christianity is not just about having enough food for your table; it is about having enough food to put on the tables of others” • And he goes on to say that that does not mean literally feeding everyone, but having enough in reserve – time, emotional support, finances, more

  • Where Is Your Heart In Relation To The Sun?

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Under the sun we feel the heat of stress and pressure. Getting above it changes our vantage point and our perspective of life

    • A lot of what we do in life is directly related to how we see ourselves, and to how we see what we do. • If you see yourself as worth little you will hardly ever engage in something that you feel is of great value – almost as if you don’t see it as your place. • If you place little value in more

  • Where Is Your Heart In Relation To The World?

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Greatly inspired by Brian Houston’s book ’For this I was born’, this series seeks to change our paradigms about where we are positioned in life, and to make us realise that we are all a strategic placement of God for a purpose and a function.

    • Every one of us will experience a sense of purpose and peace if we simply realised, and believed, that we are each a strategic placement, placed by God where He wants us, with whom He wants us, because of what He has planned for us. • God is big on positioning – Elisha was positioned for more

  • God Of Hurricanes

    Contributed on Sep 28, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Why do natural disasters happen? Has God lost control?

    God Of Hurricanes · We have all gazed on recent pictures and scenes of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and also the Tsunami of December 2004, and many of us have asked searching questions about what we have seen. · Has God lost control, could this happen here? where does this more

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