  • Stephen Aram

    Contributing sermons since Jun 20, 2019
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  • Those Who Are Forgiven Much

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2022

    Church life can become awful conventional, safe and predictable. One day Jesus met a woman who blew all of that away.

    Our text for this morning is a surprising story of the reaction that different people had when they met Jesus. It is Luke 7:36-50. I encourage you to open your Bible so you can see it for yourself. In the pew Bibles it is on page 66 of the New Testament section. And please stand for the more

  • Excuses, Excuses

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2022

    If you had the chance to go back to the time of Jesus and follow him as a disciple, would you take it? Jesus pointed out that there were people who saw his ministry and saw John the Baptist's ministry, but made excuses rather than commitment, so they missed out.

    I love preaching through the life of Jesus. There is something about his teachings and the things that he did that just stretches me again and again. Any time I start to think I have it all figured out, I just need to take another look at Jesus, and I know there are more wonders still ahead for more

  • Miracles

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2022

    It can be confusing to understand when to expect God to intervene in our lives in the form of a miracle and when not to expect it. Jesus' encounter with a widow who had just lost her only son can give us some clues.

    Two weeks ago we wrapped up the account of the Sermon on the Mount from Luke’s Gospel. This morning we take up the story again of the amazing things that happened as Jesus traveled from town to town in Israel, announcing and demonstrating the kingdom of God. This morning’s text is Luke 7:11-17. more

  • Amazing Faith

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2022

    It may be hard to find a place to put our faith in this modern world, but Jesus encountered a man who had amazing faith and we can learn from him.

    I think we can all feel that right now our culture is really struggling to find faith. We talk about it in different ways. We talk about the need to restore family values. We talk about the need for spirituality. We may not talk about it, but I think we feel a need for a sense of purpose in more

  • It's A Matter Of The Heart

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2022

    Our words and actions flow out of the condition of our heart.

    Well, this year of 2001 will be behind us in just a couple of days. I think the events of September 11 and the ripple effects on the economy will etch this year in our memories for a long, long time. But apart from events outside of you, think about who you have been this year. How are you a more

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