  • Sue Richard

    Contributing sermons since Mar 21, 2003
Sue's church

Elm Street Church of the Brethren
Lima, Ohio 45804

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  • Discipline Of Simplicity

    Contributed on Jun 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Simple living is freeing based on Matthew 6

    The Discipline of Simplicity Mt 6: 19-21, 25, 31-34 May 11, 08 Today is not a Simple day. -First, it’s MOTHER’S DAY and we’ve recognized mothers. - It is also Pentecost Sunday and we’ve sung about the gift of God’s Holy Spirit to us. -Then today is the Sunday that we’re introducing more

  • Rejoicing In The Gift

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2007

    Mary is a model of how to find joy

    LUKE 1: 46-50 REJOICING IN THE GIFT- 12/16/07 I’m sure you’re well aware that the theme for today is JOY. “Rejoicing in the Gift.” The banner announces the theme, the songs we sang, the story for the children. Yet, I know Christmas is not a season of joy for many people. Last more

  • To Parents And Childlrren

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    A "split screen" sermon by husband and wife co-pastors addressing children and parents on the admonitions in Proverbs. Text is Proverbs 6:20-24

    SUE: Today we’re going to engage in split-screen preaching. On the one screen you will hear how Proverbs instructs children to regard their parents. So when the children’s screen is in focus, kids including, teens listen up! It’s for you. WES: When the screen switches to the way Proverbs more

  • Seven Ducks Iin Muddy Water

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Naaman is a parable of the salvation story. His total obedience brought wholeness.

    Seven Ducks in Muddy Water II Kings 5:1-19 Many years ago when Wesley and I were about the age of the preteens here, we had a guest evangelist who came to our large Mennonite church in Iowa. He included a children’s story as part of the worship that Sunday and spoke to the children more

  • To Obey Or Not To Obey

    Contributed on Jun 2, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    Fearing and obeying God needs to come first in the Christian’s life

    TO OBEY OR NOT TO OBEY Today’s passage is probably the most difficult one in Romans. How should the strong commands of this Scripture be interpreted when Paul himself didn’t always practice what he preached? It would have been easy to skip over Romans 13 in our series of preaching through more

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