  • T. W Jenkins

    Contributing sermons since Jul 19, 2004
T. W's church

New Hope
Tampa, Florida 33610

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  • Developing Effective Ministry

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Many times leaders fail in developing effective ministry in the local church because they rely upon others to get the work done. Pastors are required to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. There are four things that the leader must do in order

    INTRODUCTION: in order to DEVELOPE EFFECTIVE MINISTRY there are four things you the leader must do. 1. YOUR PRESENCE MUST BE THERE. (Acts 20:18) Paul says to the Elders he has summoned to his conference, "I WAS WITH YOU". As leader, Bro pastor, you must be there. You can't be the leader more

  • God Has Authority Over Me. Psalms 23:2-3

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Reading the twenty-third psalm can be misleading if we only open our ears to verse one. "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want". However, we must understand that the Lord, as our Shepherd, requires complete authority over the sheep. He must be in total

    1. I need His presence (He makes me to lie down in green pasture) This can only happen when I am in His presence. He's an interesting point about sheep being made to lie down. Sheep are very skittish animals. They are very Nervous and have to reach a high level of comfort more

  • Excuse Me, It's My Praise Time

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    God not only deserve our praise He expects our praise before, during and after He blesses us.

    Introduction: I have discovered that every noise is not a holy noise. Praise to God should not be forced by a worship leader or anyone else during worship. There is a difference between authentic praise and orchestrated praise. David describes in this text the difference between authentic and more

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