  • Thomas Miller

    Contributing sermons since Dec 30, 2004
Thomas's church

Medina Assembly
Medina, California 44256

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Newest Sermons

  • Give Me A Week

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God wants us to stop doing what’s wrong; He gave us His Spirit to do it, but we still have a fallen nature that makes it tough. I don’t think God wants it to be easy, because He wants us to work hard to show Him how much we love Him. Sin is easy, just ask

    Give Me a Week I’ve been Amazed by those that are so quick to criticize someone’s character often struggle the most with their own. One thing I’ve learned in my 29 year relationship with God is that I’m messed up, more

  • Faith Vs Sovereighnty

    Contributed on Jan 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Does this mountain moving faith have to go through Gods sovereign will to be released? This Charismatic thinks so. There are Scriptures to support the power of faith, the power of prayer and the fact that God always has the last say.

    Faith vs. Sovereignty Does this mountain moving faith have to go through Gods sovereign will to be released? This Charismatic thinks so. There are Scriptures to support the power of faith, the power of prayer and the fact that God always has the last say. There are more

  • Diamonds Are Forever

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    God created us with more love and compassion then we will ever know. Because He created us knowing that the freedom He gave us would be abused, causing Him to have to give His Son’s life to save ours.

    Diamonds Are Forever Even the hardest rocks crumble with enough pressure and heat over time. But creations process creates the most beautiful things out of pressure. Remember no pain, no gain. What was once ordinary is now precious and sought after, the diamond. more

  • The City And The Golden Rain

    Contributed on Jun 30, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is a living city alive in His Spirit, alive with His saints and angels, full of laughter in the joy of His presence. His presence permeates the air, work is now fun, not a burden. I could work a thousand years without a break and my fellowship with

    The City and the Golden Rain 1998 I don’t know what overwhelmed me more, the beauty of his creation or the magnitude of his presence that swept over me when I saw the city, the New Jerusalem. Whatever was more powerful would take me several minutes to recover from this more

  • The Comming Harvest

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The lost responded and those of His people that recognized His favor led them into the Kingdom. The rest sit on the side lines to watch the show or criticize it.

    The Coming Harvest The Great Commission and the harvest scriptures are some of the greatest examples of our goal as the Body of Christ to reach the World for God. Christians almost always try to reach the lost thinking like a Christian or from a Christian more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • One Of My Favorite Movies Was Apollo 13. The ...

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2008

    One of my Favorite movies was Apollo 13. The mission control commander Gene Kranz never lost focus when one of the oxygen tanks exploded on the space craft and the astronauts lives were in danger. “Do what ever you have to do to get them home. We’ve never lost more