  • Vernon Murray

    Contributing sermons since Mar 4, 2004
Vernon's church

Norview Presbyterian Church
Norfolk, Virginia 23513

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Newest Sermons

  • Response To Tragedy: Repent!

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 129 ratings

    When tragedy strikes, we can wear ourselves thin asking why; or we can use the occasion for turning our life around.

    INTRODUCTION Terror has struck again. Over 200 people were killed in Madrid this week and thousands more were injured. Like 9-11 this bombing of a train in Madrid was a heartless act by wicked fiends. It is only natural for compassionate people like you and me to be filled with anger and more

  • Lost Found Restored

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 138 ratings

    Even us Christians lose our way; when that happens, the Savior, seeks us, finds us, and restores us.

    INTRODUCTION: Major Barb Sherer, a fellow Presbyterian minister and chaplain in the United States Army, was in Iraq during the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Moments before worshipers arrived for Sunday service, a fire broke out and destroyed the tent. By a miracle, no one was hurt. more

  • A Potent Prayer For Peace

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    When it comes to praying for peace, we do not have to pray the way world wants us to pray; we can use Biblical models which are much more effective.

    INTRODUCTION The terror attack in Madrid today raises our consciousness once again to the undercurrent of war and destruction which continue to flow throughout the world. Today’s events also remind Christians everywhere of the need for serious prayer. We need (more than any other time) to pray more

  • Holy Ground

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2004
    based on 96 ratings

    Whether or not you have ever been to Israel, you can discover holy ground along the common pathways of everyday life.

    INTRODUCTION Many Christians have experienced the exhilaration of touring the Holy Land. They have felt the exuberance of walking where Jesus walked and kneeling where He prayed. They have witnessed the wonder of life while standing at the empty tomb. These sacred experiences will linger for a more

  • There's A Pill In The Grapejuice

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    Our courageous and wise Lord Jesus Christ unfolds the greatest military stategy ever conceived.

    Ever once in awhile a minister has to deliver a hard message. When I am called to do that, I like to offer a little bit of sugar or humor to help the medicine go down. So here is a bit of sugar. Laugh now while you can. An Elderly woman went into the doctor’s office. When the doctor asked why more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • In Psalm 91:4, The Poet Describes The Protection ...

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    In Psalm 91:4, the poet describes the protection of God “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your SHIELD and rampart.” The truth of the promise contained in this verse was dramatically illustrated to me when God became a shield on more

  • Some Time Back, My Father-In-Law Told Me Of An ...

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    Some time back, my father-in-law told me of an experience he had in the wilderness of West Virginia. He was strolling through a field when he heard the joyous chirping of a robin. He enjoyed its melodious praise for a while before his eyes caught sight of the bird. It was perched high in a wild more

  • Another Great Man, President Franklin D. ...

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    Another great man, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, said, “It is hard to lead, when you look over your shoulder and there isn’t anyone there.” Well, that is what happens to Jesus. He comes to his own home town, and he looks over his shoulder and there isn’t anyone there. Well, that isn’t exactly more

  • The Presbytery Was Engaged In A Major Debate ...

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    The Presbytery was engaged in a major debate over the approval of the budget. Those on one side said we ought to cut the budget because the funds were not available. The other side argued that we ought to solicit more funds from the people so the budget would not have to be cut. It seemed to me more

  • Starting In 1817 In England, Mr. Edward Elwell ...

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    Starting in 1817 in England, Mr. Edward Elwell turned a gun factory into a tool factory. His tools were made of the best iron and forged in one of the finest foundries of its time. His tools were made strong and they were made to last. So confident that these tools more