  • William Neel

    Contributing sermons since Jan 14, 2003
William's church

South Columbia
Columbia, Maryland 21046

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Newest Sermons

  • Run,run, Run!

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2003
    based on 181 ratings

    God wants us to run the race of faith to victory

    RUN, RUN, RUN! Hebrews 12:1-3 INTRODUCTION I don’t know who the author of Hebrews is, but I think that he would be right at home in front of a big screen television watching the Superbowl next Sunday, that is if he had not already purchased tickets. Why? Take a look at the first few verses more

  • Dealing With A Giant

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    How to deal with the problems of life and gain the victory.

    DEALING WITH A GIANT I SAMUEL 17 INTRODUCTION Overheard one employee at a health club speaking to another at the beginning of the new year. “It will be busy for the next couple of weeks but then things will be back to normal”. There is a person with an understanding of their culture. But more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Can You Imagine What It Would Be Like To Be ...

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    Ill. Can you imagine what it would be like to be at a track meet waiting for the start of the 100 meter race? Gathered together are the top runners from across the world. Fractions of a second separate these runners. While the marathon is a test of stamina and endurance, the 100 meters is an more

  • There Is A Terrible Story About A Man Who ...

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2003
    based on 76 ratings

    Ill. There is a terrible story about a man who went out to play golf early one Saturday morning. His wife became concerned when he had not returned home by dinner time. It wasn’t until about midnight when he came through the front door, exhausted. “Where have you been?” she demanded “I’ve been more

  • When I Was In The Marines, The Training For ...

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2003
    based on 33 ratings

    When I was in the marines, the training for commandos included cliff assaults. The theory was that a commando raid should be a surprise, done as quickly and as silently as possible on the area with the lightest defenses. The lightest defense is at the point where attack is least expected. More more

  • Paying The Bully

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    In his book Fuzzy Memories, Jack Handey writes: There used to be this bully who would demand my lunch money every day. Since I was smaller, I would give it to him. Then I decided to fight back. I started taking karate lessons. But then the karate lesson guy said I had to start paying him five more

  • The Movie, Chariots Of Fire Is The True Story Of ...

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2003
    based on 2 ratings

    The movie, Chariots of Fire is the true story of Eric Liddell, a man who ran for Scotland, then went on to become a missionary. You may recall that he refused to run on the Sabbath, forfeiting some of the awards he probably would have won in the 1924 Olympics. There was another scene in that more