Pentecost Sermon Kit

Preaching Articles

Over the years, I’ve made no secret of my admiration for men such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, who were so instrumental in the recovery of the gospel during the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. I’m amazed by their towering intellects and their ability to stand firm amid much danger. Their love for biblical truth is an example to follow, and as I approach 20 years of weekly preaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel, I’m particularly grateful for their pastoral model. Both of these men were “celebrities” in their day, but neither of them spent his years traveling Europe in order to consolidate a movement of followers. Instead, both of them devoted themselves to their primary vocation of preaching and teaching the Word of God. Both men were tireless preachers—Luther in Wittenberg, Germany, and Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland. They took the ministry of the Word of God seriously, so when they talk about the task of the preacher, I pay close attention.

More than a decade ago, I was invited to give a lecture on Martin Luther’s view of preaching, and I found that preparing for that exercise was invaluable for my own work as a preacher. I also discovered that what Luther had to say about preaching was not only for the pastor but also for the entire church, and it’s amazing how timely his words remain in our day.

One of the emphases that we find again and again in Luther’s writings is that a preacher must be “apt to teach.” In many ways, this is no great insight, for he’s just restating the qualifications that are set forth in the New Testament for church elders (1 Tim. 3:2). Yet given what we expect from our preachers today, Luther’s words—echoing biblical revelation—need to be heard anew. The concept that the primary task of the minister is to teach is all but lost in the church today. When we call ministers to our churches we often look for these men to be adept administrators, skilled fundraisers and good organizers. Sure, we want them to know some theology and the Bible, but we don’t make it a priority that these people be equipped to teach the congregation the things of God. Administrative tasks are seen as more important.

This is not the model that Jesus Himself commended. You remember the encounter that Jesus had with Peter after His resurrection. Peter had denied Jesus publicly three times, and Jesus went about restoring the Apostle, telling him three times to “feed my sheep” (John 21:15-19). By extension, this calling is given to the elders and ministers of the church because the people of God who are assembled in the congregations of churches all over the world belong to Jesus. They are His sheep. And every minister who is ordained is consecrated and entrusted by God with the care of those sheep. We call it the “pastorate” because ministers are called to care for the sheep of Christ. Pastors are Christ’s undershepherds, and what shepherd would so neglect his sheep that he never took the time or trouble to feed them? The feeding of our Lord’s sheep comes principally through teaching.

Typically, we distinguish between preaching and teaching. Preaching involves such things as exhortation, exposition, admonition, encouragement and comfort, while teaching is the transfer of information and instruction in various areas of content. In practice, however, there is much overlap between the two. Preaching must communicate content and include teaching, and teaching people the things of God cannot be done in a neutral manner but must exhort them to heed and obey the Word of Christ. God’s people need both preaching and teaching, and they need more than 20 minutes of instruction and exhortation a week. A good shepherd would never feed the sheep only once a week, and that’s why Luther was teaching the people of Wittenberg almost on a daily basis, and Calvin was doing the same thing in Geneva. I’m not necessarily calling for the exact practices in our day, but I’m convinced that the church needs to recapture something of the regular teaching ministry evident in the work of our forefathers in the faith. As they are able, churches should be creating many opportunities to hear God’s Word preached and taught. Things such as Sunday evening worship, midweek services and Bible classes, Sunday school, home Bible studies, and so on give laypeople the chance to feed on the Word of God several times each week. As they are able, laypeople should take advantage of what is available to them by way of instruction in the deep truths of Scripture.

I say this not to encourage the creation of programs for the sake of programs, and I don’t want to put an unmanageable burden on church members or church staffs. But history shows us that the greatest periods of revival and reformation the church has ever seen occur in conjunction with the frequent, consistent and clear preaching of God’s Word. If we would see the Holy Spirit bring renewal to our churches and our lands, it will require preachers who are committed to the exposition of Scripture, and laypeople who will look for shepherds to feed them the Word of God and take full advantage of the opportunities for biblical instruction that are available.

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William Howard

commented on Jul 7, 2015

Amen Preacher!

Adewale B T Shittu

commented on Jul 8, 2015

God bless you Pastor Sproul. I agree with you in totality. What the Church needs is the Word, preached and taught undiluted. One Word from God, accurately received and perfectly implemented will bring a lifetime of change in a believer. When we invite a minister for the soul purpose of fund raising, it is because the Word of God have not been sown enough into the heart of the people. When the Word find a place in their hearts through teaching, everything the church needs will fall in place. Let the Word be hid in their heart first!!! It comes through teaching and preaching!!! God bless you sir.

Andy Bright

commented on Jul 8, 2015

Thank you Adewale, for your comment. It's just like you spoke my mind. A big thank you to you Pastor Sproul. I am actually getting bored with the things so many men of God are doing in the name of ministry. Sometimes, I wonder if they actually read their Bibles. Or perhaps, they lack true understanding of what the gospel is all about. I have always advised that, we should look at Jesus, The Apostles and the early Church Fathers as examples and patterns for our ministries. In Acts chapter six, the Apostles refused to be distracted by the controversy that arose betwen the Hebrews and the Greecians. They focussed on prayer and teaching, while they appointed committed people to handle other administrative issues. In that way, the church moved on successfully and with power. But today, the case is completely different. The Ministers want to be everything and everywhere. There is hardly that heart felt burden for intercessions and prayers. There is no systemic and sequential teaching that takes believers from the craddle of their christian experience onto maturity and fruitfulness. Sound preaching and teaching of biblical truth is the only way to restore and sustain the health and power of the Church. Once again, I thank God for men like Pastor Sproul who are on the true path of the gospel. Please sir, keep up the good work of God. God bless you all.

James Awosina

commented on Jan 17, 2020

Pastor Sproul, You don't need to be apologetic in saying the truth Sir! All you've said is the plain truth. It may be bitter, yet that's what heals. The end-time Church has backslidden from the sacred obligation of systematic, expository teaching and preaching of God's Word in a consistent, progressive and organised manner. The results are superficial living, noncommittal and nominal relationship with Christ and a weak ability for effective witnessing among the unsaved. God is displeased, considering His declarations and the apostle's volition (Jeremiah 3:15; 23:1-4, 25-32; Acts 6:4; 1Timothy 3:2) exemplified by the fiery ministry of Paul the Apostle (Acts 20:20, 21, 26, 27; 2Timothy 4:1-5). If we do not change, and things continue as they are, in the next 50 years, our posterity may see and have nothing to "hold fast to" and "earnestly contend for". The threat of Islam is real from Africa to Europe and the USA. Superficial and nominal Christianity cannot withstand it.

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