Sermon Illustrations

Around April 28, 2020, my mother completed her earthly journey and went to be with the Lord. I have to confess, part of me was glad she wasn’t suffering any longer (she had several serious health issues) but of course there was the grief that comes along with losing someone you love. Yes, I know some will say something like “well, you never lost them, they just changed their location” but still—it hurts when a loved one dies. Let’s just call it what it is.

My sisters and I tried to do what we could during the days after her departure, such as attempting to coordinate with the funeral home and so forth. If you’ve ever had to go through anything like this, you understand completely what I mean. It’s never been easy, especially if it’s the first time for something like this.

One of the stickiest parts of all this, believe it or not, involved Mom’s life insurance policy. She had signed up for it quite some time ago—we didn’t know when—and of course the company was bought and sold to other companies. Eventually, the issues (and there were several) were resolved and I recently received the “settlement” or whatever the check from the insurance company is called.

When I looked at it, the check was for less than $1000 USD. First, I didn’t know and didn’t care how much the policy was for. That was Mom’s decision and I respected that, and I never discussed it with her. It was none of my business. Second, none of us were waiting for her to pass on so that we could get our hands on the money. Mom would have had a fit if any of us had even thought about such a thing! Finally, this was another reality that our life, and anyone’s life, is worth a whole lot more than any check from an insurance company. Mom’s life proved it.

I won’t give too much detail, but Mom knew the Word of God and most of all, the Lord knew her. There was never a doubt in my mind that she was a believer in Jesus Christ and that she tried as best she could to live for Him. She knew that her life was more than her the “stuff” she owned (Luke 12:15) and I firmly believe she had eternity’s values in view.

So all in all, Mom’s gift to us was not just the love she had for us and our children (her “grands”, as she liked to say), it was a faith and example that she provided. Everyone was welcome, and everyone was made to feel welcome in her house. And she cared enough for her children to leave us something for when she was taken from this earth.

Indeed, her example will stay with us for a long, long time. She left us a lot more than the proceeds from her insurance policy. She pointed us to Jesus and someday we’ll be together once again, and forever more!

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