Pentecost Sermon Kit

Sermon Illustrations

Have you ever noticed in life that a good start isn’t always enough. Now there is nothing wrong with a good start mind you, but it is often not enough to get us to the finish line or the winners circle.

And if you don’t believe me, ask the Atlanta Braves who won the first 2 games of this years world series against the Yankees in New York. I think the scores were 12-1 and 6-0. They were pretty excited about their start. But winning those 2 games gave little comfort as they watched their opponents hold that trophy 4 games later.

Or you can ask the 1969 Baltimore Orioles who dominated the majors that year. They won 109 games -- more than any other team. Their opponents in the world series were the New York Mets. Everyone expected the Orioles to win easily, and then when they won the first game -- it seemed as though they had it in the bag... But in just 4 more games, it would be all over, and the New York Mets would be the ones wearing that World Series ring. In 1969 the orioles and all of Baltimore were convinced of the truth that a good start isn’t enough.

And I think we all have experienced the reality of this truth in our own everyday lives, haven’t we?....

Perhaps we start out real good on a new diet or exercise program....

Or on a project around the house, a class in school, a job in church or in paying off some bills.... I mean we are out of that staring gate like hungry grey hounds chasing a rabbit.....

But time passes and the diet ends, the exercise stops, we fail the class, the job doesn’t get done and the bills are still there.

You see, though there is nothing wrong with a good start -- it just isn’t enough -- is it?

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