Sermon Illustrations

When I was learning to ride there stood in a field a huge tree trunk, it was massive. Such was the size it made the Channel Tunnel look like a drain pipe, this thing was seriously big. We avoided it like the plague, actually we could never understand why it was there for surely no rider and horse could ever have jumped such a huge obstacle. The day came when our intructor with a gleam in her eye told us to jump it.

By a mischance I and Buster were the rider and mount at the front of the ride so we were to be first to attempt the log. Bidding a fond farewell to the sun and birdsong I kicked Buster on to our doom.

The inevitable happened. Buster came in on the right stride and leapt over with about two feet to spare. As I wheeled him round the massive tree trunk looked about the size of birch log!

Our instrctor smiled and asked what was difficult about the jump. "Nothing" I replied "except thinking about it!"

How true of other things in our life, we let our fears grow to huge proportions and forget that with God we are well mounted and can tackle anything put in our way.

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