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Boomerang Kids: Almost 16 million families had at least one child over 18 living at home in ‘03, up 7% since ‘95 and 14% since ‘85, according to the Census Bureau’s American Housing Survey. They leave and come back, sometimes more than once, often after college, between jobs, before marriage, after a divorce or when housing costs become too exorbitant. The typical undergrad student accumulates nearly $19,000 in college loan debt; double since ‘97, according to the U.S. Student Assoc. Law school or medical school can more than double the debt. A survey of ‘04 college grads shows 57% planned to move back in with parents. 50% of ‘03 grads are still living at home and 35% are still looking for work. 25% of employed parents have children ages 18-29 living at home at least half of the time. (USA Today 1/11/05)

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