Sermon Illustrations

The Papoose

I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now…John 16:12.”

Those precious words of our Lord Jesus Christ in John 16:12 bring back a memory from my past. When our middle son was very young, he fell and cut a rather deep gash in the area between his lip and chin. Although, we got the bleeding stopped and his tears calmed down, the gash needed medical attention. Our son was too young to fully realize what was going to happen but he trusted us and went willingly as we drove to the hospital.

In the emergency room, the doctor agreed the wound needed a few stitches to heal properly and minimize scarring. My son became quite frightened by all going on around him and due to his age, the medical team advised placing him in what they called a “papoose.” The papoose served to keep my son’s arms safely at his side so the physician could successfully complete his work.

In that moment in time, I will never forget the look on my son’s face. He looked directly into my eyes and spoke to my heart without saying a word. It was a look to the Father he trusted and loved saying, “Why are you allowing this to happen? Why did you bring me to this place and why are you letting these people do this to me? The love in my heart was breaking as I tried to explain. But my son was too small to understand and appreciate the necessity of what was happening to him. I comforted and consoled but allowed the process to continue until the physician’s work was done.

Today, if there is a scar from my son’s fall, I do not see it. The physician did what was needed at the time to bring healing and give my son the result he has today. The added joy for me as his father is my son now understands why the procedure was necessary and allowed to happen.

Perhaps today you are going through a very difficult situation which you cannot understand or fully appreciate. You may be asking, “Why would God allow this to happen?” Whatever it may be, never doubt the love of your Heavenly Father for you. “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)