Pentecost Sermon Kit

Sermon Illustrations

God’s blessing involves adventure. Some people feel as if living by faith is foolish. The truth is, it is a marvelous adventure.

I was telling someone the other day about a Godly lady who was a member of a church I once served. This ladies husband had died leaving her with four small children. This happened back in the 60’s. The lady was committed to tithing her income as a way to honor God. She once told me that it was difficult raising four children and keeping her commitment to tithe. She shared a testimony that inspired me.

She said there was a time when, after paying all of her other bills, there was only $20 left. She indicated $20 was the amount of her tithe. She said she went to church on this particular Sunday with a heavy burden. She knew she had to provide food for her children but she also knew God was faithful. He would provide if she honored Him. She gave her tithe. After church a fellow church member walked up to her and told her he wanted to pay the $50 he owed her. This lady said she did not remember the debt. Nonetheless God provided for her need. That is the spirit of adventure, of which I refer.

Source: From Leland Patrick’s Sermon: God’s Funnel

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